Introducing myself: diagnosed with Thymic carcinoma


I’m new on here. I was diagnosed with Thymic carcinoma in February this year. Undergoing chemo. Worried about neuropathy and have bought cooling gloves and socks and compression ones too. Keen to hear from others in similar position. 

  • Hi JanSue, 

    A big welcome to our forum! I remember coming across another member very recently who had been diagnosed with thymic carcinoma -  posted this thymic carcinoma thread a month ago so don't hesitate to respond to that thread if you would like to do so. You may also be able to connect with others through the Thymic UK Facebook Group  and Thymic UK is another great resource you may be aware of already and they provide information and support for those affected by thymic cancers in the UK. 

    I hope your chemotherapy treatment is going well and you seem to be taking some very good preventative measures against neuropathy. I hope that the cooling gloves and socks will work well for you. I will now let others who have been affected by thymic carcinoma come and say hello and share their story with you. It helps to talk others who have been in a similar position.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator