Just scared for my docetaxel cycles...last 3 cycles of chemo, docetaxel...any tips for me please?

I am currently fighting breast cancer....I had abreast surgery for a lumpectomy on my right breast in January, they said initially they had removed it all, good to get back to life.....not a chance.....they said then that they wanted to send my tumors off to the USA for the oncotype DX test which returns in 2 weeks to see if I need chemotherapy or just luckily jump straight to radiotherapy, they were very sure radiotherapy would be all I needed along with hormone replacement pills ....I had just got engaged and said I would wait to book my wedding if this was the case to be sure.

I was then told after returning after the 2 weeks that my rest hadn't returned and that I should go ahead and book my wedding as they feel I should be good for radiotherapy.....they booked me in for another 2 weeks....no results still booked again for another 2 weeks but then suddenly they wanted me to go through chemotherapy options and sign the paperwork for it.....well....this wasn't even a thought on the last appointment....so this scared me....deposit paid down for the wedding, photographer, venue stylist paid for cake deposit made and dress bought etc.....well.....it appears that apparently my tumors were not sent off and would never be, as my cancer was grade 3 stage 3...I would definitely need chemo.

I was devastated.....as anyone is.....I was told this on the phone whilst I was checking for my results...I was then asked on a Friday this is, to nip to hospital as they want to take my bloods for me to start chemo on the Monday!....well....this went down like a lead balloon as you could imagine as I now had 3 days to prepare for chemo and was on the phone listening to this news whilst out with my fiancé and children looking for flower girls dresses and suits in the middle of town! I broke down and must have looked rediculous crying in the middle of town with my family...

Now when they were getting me to sign the chemotherapy paperwork a couple of weeks prior they stated that I'd be on mild chemo and would be ok for the wedding and the side effects I shall be used to by then....3 cycles 21days apart of Epirubicin and cyclosporine, and 3 cycles of T doxetacel.....I had no idea what this was but when I turned up at the hospital chemotherapy daycase....I was told it was the red devil chemo for the first 3 cycles and to be prepared for losing my hair and energy and lots of bone and joint aches.....fun times!

Well I lost so much hair in sections I ended up buying a wig...still got a wedding day to go ahead with....and thankfully after my third cycle lost a few lashes but nothing major and a few eyebrow lashes...I can cope with this.....but the bone aches joint aches and feelings worthless with no energy past midday on the daily I was not doing well.

I found out that it was best to take my injections for the five days at night time as I was feeling super tiered and ready to sleep, after taking ibuprofen and paracetamol and waiting for it to kick in prior to giving myself the jab, then laying down to sleep the injection off....I did this from cycle 2 and now 3. This worked for me but meant I woke up with a headache and sore breasts from surgery spots and scars...throbbing all over and body weakness to the fullest....I have 2 young children to wake up and get ready for school Mind you....so this took its toll for sure.

I am now 6 weeks away from my wedding day and 2 weeks away from my first of 3 doxetacel cycles to end my chemotherapy. 

I am so scared.....how am I going to cope for my wedding....how am I going to be able to cope with my kids....and I am seriously wondering if I am going to be able to just cope in general reading all the side effects, this red devil chemo has killed me....and boy have I struggled daily to just do washing pots cook n clean...

I feel mood swings are a major issue for me right now I go from not talking for long periods of time to just not being able to smile through funny things etc....is this normal? Is this going to get worse? Sore mouth...check.....loss of taste....also check....my breasts were healing nicely but daily they feel so sore again it's shocking.

Any tips of how to make my doxetacel cycles easier on me would be greatly appreciated xx

I've been with my man for years and this wedding is long awaited, but I don't want to be struggling with everything but all paid for now! 

I'm so scared it's rediculous and worry how I will cope, I just wanted to share my story and thank others for being very honest with us about everything they're going through.....we're not alone....others are dealing with much worse and we have a lot to be grateful for I get that....but my scared levels for this next 3 cycles is scaring me more than when I was told I had cancer and needed to lose half my breasts to get rid of it. 

It's nice to get this all of my chest and sorry again for the rambling....

It's great to have a forum like this to just be honest about my thoughts and feelings.....love to you all! Don't give up! We got this! We shall prevail and eventually be us again! ️ ️

  • Hello Miss-k-1, 

    I felt rather speechless reading your story - and that doesn't happen easily for me! What a brave inspirational lady you are. But what an anxious time it has been for you as you've had everything booked and ready to go for your wedding and were not initially expecting to need chemotherapy. Well done for getting through those first three cycles and it sounds like it wasn't easy and yet you managed to do all this cooking and cleaning and looking after your little ones. I hope that you will be able to fully enjoy your wedding and that you will have a wonderful day... just 6 weeks to go! It must be a little scary for you knowing that you are starting Docetaxel in a couple of weeks and not knowing how you will respond to treatment prior to your wedding. We have detailed information on our website on docetaxel which lists possible side effects you may encounter and you will find there tips to cope with side effects of cancer drugs but every experience is different and unique so it's hard to know in advance really how you might react to the treatment. I hope that you will hear from the experiences of others who have taken Docetaxel before and that they will have some good tips for you to help you make these cycles easier. I would also suggest you give our cancer nurses a call as I am sure they will have some good suggestions for you to help you feel your best despite your treatment on your big day - you can get in touch with them on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.   

    I hope that you will have the best possible day - do come back if you don't mind and tell us how it all went as we will be thinking of you. Don't put any pressure on yourself if you can: this is YOUR big day, when your loved ones are all reunited for you and they be happy to adapt if you feel tired and need to rest or just need a moment on your own. Your guests will understand and everyone will be there for you to make your day go as smoothly as possible and for it to be a day of love that you will cherish forever.

    Massive congratulations from the Cancer Chat team! 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you so very much....it's been quite a rollercoaster of a ride for sure...but I work in a hospital ironically on the heamatology department as a HCA so I have been around and also helped patients in a much worse condition so I have an awful lot to be grateful for and I do thank the stars daily.

    But it has been hard going.... Very, and there does seem to be no end to the tiredness and aching I've felt daily...almost like I've ran a marathon in my sleep and woke up after it and had a few hours of gym on top.

    I shall certainly be checking out the side effects more closely over the next week to try and prepare for most outcomes of possible. Thank you for the well wishes. 

    I am lucky and have a fantastic support group and many friends I have been able to count on. Again I thank the stars for each of them.

    After 22yrs with my absolute rock of a man, I deserve at least one day to be the best day ever, and so does he, and I am determined my wedding day will be it no matter what! I have an amazing wedding coordinator that is on standby and fully aware of my situation and is happy to slow the day down and extend times for me if needed.

    Thank you so much for your response I am touched and appreciate it so much.

    Take care and I wish you health and happiness, keep smiling...keep up the great work and thanks again xx

  • Hi, Miss-k-1, so sorry to hear all that your going through, all while trying to organise your wedding. The chemo I have been put on is EC-T,  3 cycles of EC and 4 cycles of T ( for me this is docetaxel). I too was really concerned about moving onto the docetaxel, after reading all of the side effects. So far I've had 2 cycles and side effects have been minimal. I do make an effort to drink plenty of water and go out for a 2 1/2 mile walk every day. I am also eating very healthy food including plenty of fruit. I hope everthing goes OK for you on the docetaxel and that you have a wonderful wedding day. Xx

  • Hi Miss-k-1, 

    reading you’re post brought a tear to my eye. I’ve had a similar experience to you, caught early only need radiotherapy nice and simple - instead two surgeries, full lymph clearance and now chemotherapy. I hope you manage your wedding day and got to enjoy it, sometimes it seems the nice day are few & far between! I was just wondering how you have gotten on with Docetaxel? I’m on EC now and soon to move into Docetaxel , l’m also scared to death as I’ve heard it’s far worst! I keep reminding myself that even people who have a bad experience got through it! I hope you’re doing well and coming through the other side! X

  • Hi Miss-k-1, sorry to hear that you ended up going through far more than you expected to. After reading your worries about docetaxel, I thought I'd try and give you some reassurance. I started EC-T chemo in March and finished early July. I too had been really worried about starting docetaxel, after reading all the side effects. However, I got through it with minimal side effects and felt quite well throughout. It obviously affects everyone differentl, but don't automatically assume it will be bad for you. I know it's hard not to be anxious about each new step. My next step is a mastectomy and reconstruction, which I'm also anxious about. I wish you well on your journey moving forward. Xx

  • Thank you so much! So I had my wedding and it was great, but my first doxetacel was unfortunately my last....I ended up having an allergic reaction, doctors and lots of nurses gathered around me unhooked the chemo and started to pump god knows what into me while I had an oxygen mask plastered into my face etc....scary times....but went for the 2nd dose and got pumped full of stuff to avoid the reaction and alas...another reaction, so now I'm being put on something else....no idea what tbh....either way it's more chemo. But after my first dose of doxetacel I won't lie I couldn't get out of bed and did very well on Epirubicin. But boy did my whole body ache...marathon running kind of ache...couldn't move for 2 weeks, so my man had to leave work to take kids to school etc. not fun. I wish you well with your next surgerys and all the best for the future....one step at a time....we got this! Xxx

  • Unfortunate that you had such a bad reaction to the docetaxel, but glad they found something different that was OK for you. I'm so pleased your wedding went well, I'm sure you had a lovely day. I thought uou was just about yo start docetaxel, but have realised that pist was by Lottie4-.I wish you well for the future. Xx

  • Hi Lottie4-, I got a bit mixed up with the posts, but hope  you saw my reply to Miss-k-1, regarding the docetaxel. Xx

  • I did thank-you. It’s nice to hear you managed well on it. I’ve had a rash of EC so I must admit I’ve been worried about a reaction with Docetaxel. Seeing my oncologist soon though so I’ll mention my fears! I hope your surgery goes well, after chemotherapy I think you’ll find it a breeze. Don’t worry about having a drain in either it’s a lot better, just make sure you do your exercises start before if possible. Wishing you all the luck on your next step of this crazy journey! Xx

  • Thank you, hopefully you're right and surgery will be fine. I have been told I'll be in hospital for 4 or 5 days and drains will be out before I leave, which I'm pleased about. I've got the leaflet showing the exercises and will definitely start doing them now. I also had a few rashes while on chemo and they gave me some cream to use. I'm sure the oncologist will sort it out for you  Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Xx