Hi all, I’m new to this particular forum so thought I’d start by going through my experience of cancer so far. After having a PSA test, biopsy, MRI scan, CT scan & bone scan, I was diagnosed April 2022 with stage 4 prostate cancer which had spread to both hips, the inside joint of my left hip, my pelvis, Lumbar vertebrae number 4, Thoracic vertebrae number 9 and my chest bone. I had no urinary problems at all and no classic prostate cancer symptoms. It all started with pain in my left hip which led to Drs appointment and PSA test which came back as 53.3. I was started straight away on Firmagon injections, which I still have every 4 weeks. I started chemo May 2022 and finished September 2022, which shrunk my lymph nodes. I also started Zometa bone infusions which I still have every 8 weeks. I have regular MRI & CT scans and the latest scan has shown the cancer has now spread to Thoracic vertebrae number 10. I had palliative radiotherapy a couple of weeks ago to ease pain in my spine. I’m on daily medication and also Zomorph tablets and Oramorph daily to control the pains. I’ve got great medical support from GP, Oncologist and cancer nurses, palliative care team, local hospice, district nurses, occupational therapy nurses, to name just a few. I’m 53 years old, so relatively young to have prostate cancer to this degree. I’d never heard of a PSA test until my cancer journey started and I’m trying to raise awareness of the importance for men to have a PSA test, as with all cancers, the earlier prostate cancer is diagnosed the better. I know this post is a bit longwinded and if you’ve read this far, thank you.