Cancer times 4

Hello to everyone, my name is Michael and I live in N.California and I have 4 different cancers, I have Prostrate, Bone, lung and a Brain Tumor, They gave me 1 to 1 1/2 years and that was 4 years ago. Thanks to a drug called Katruda (spelling?)  The lung cancer seems to be all but gone. Anyway, this my first post so not sure how this works and wanted to say Hi and possible meet some new friends.

  • Hi Michael and a warm welcome to the forum, which is very user friendly, if ever you have an issue just click on, forum help, I have never heard of anyone with 4 cancer types I am so sorry to hear this, It must be  tough getting a diagnosis like this, PS I have terminal cancer, so have some idea. Great news with the Katruda and that your still with us, though I have not heard of katruda I am happy it's working so well for you and continues to do so. A little about me 58yo retired, partner of 18 years but not married 3 kids, 7 grandkids No 8 in July from England, best wishes Eddie

  • Thanks for the reply, didnt expect that. Well a lil about me then, not married but partnered for 37 years. Live in the wine country of N. Calif. snd love it here. Thanks again for your kind words, hope we get to chat more.

  • It would be good to keep in touch, really nice to hear you have a partner, 37 years together is great, at least we have ben lucky with love,


  • would also like to keep in touch, feel free to email me, if you dont have the email, just ask, not sure how this all works here, Very New.

  • Hi 707Floyd, 

    It's nice that you would like to keep in touch with eddiel. In order to protect our members' privacy and anonymity, we don't allow email addresses to be shared publicly but we have a private messaging facility and information on how to use private messaging  and on staying safe when using private messaging. 

    I hope this helps! 
    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi 707Floyd I am happy to post on the open forum.


  • Sorry to also hear about your cancer? hope its in check? Well, like I said partnered for 37, iam 71 years old and the other 75. Weve been in the Rohnert Park area for about 33 years and love it. Its a little expensive but youll not find a place with better weather... Yes indeed lucky in love and in health also considering my age. No kids iam sorry to say, i would have liked to have had children but it just wasnt in the cards for me. Nice to hear about your family, congrats. Are they close by? Well enjoy your week and dont let anything get you down, life is just to damn short, yes..

  • Hi 707Floyd, sorry about the delay, had a long weekend away with my closest friends, I know we see distances slightly different, my son is about 2 hours away which is a long way for us and my girls are 20 and 2 minutes away, all my kids are in their mid 30s. Rohnert Park sounds perfect, I live in Doncaster in the county of Yorkshire, founded about 2000 years ago by the Romans, Floyd, is it ok to call you that, never been one to worry, though always had health problems, I have had a good life and hopefully some more to come. I have advanced prostate cancer, with lots of mets, treatment so far has given good results, though my cancer is now adapting to my treatment, I still have plan B C and D, Tell me where does a guy from a beautiful place with perfect weather go on holiday too, and yes life is too short, so don't waste it, Eddie

  • Hello there Eddiel: I didnt realize you were so far away, my town is in the state of California, USA and is 50 miles north of San Fransisco in the wine country. I also have prostrate cancer and that seems to be the one there working on now. BTW, Floyd is my middle name feel free to call me by my first name, Michael. Holiday you say, lol, its been a long time since ive been on any kind of holiday. When we were younger we were fortunate to see many Plays and Concerts in our area, well in the city. We dont get out that often anymore, were lucky to have friends who come to visit us. You also are truly fortunate to have your family so close, thats very special. Well thats it for now, today is shopping day for food, makes me hunger thinking about it. Is your appetite good? Do you eat well? What are some of the kinds of food that you like over there? Talk soon. Michael

  • Hi Michael, just checked we are 5286 miles apart, so unlikely i will be popping round. can I ask how are they treating your prostate cancer and why this one before the others. No holidays, I'm guessing they are not your thing, We don't  do holidays as such we do weekends or visit family or friends, lounging on a beach all day does no appeal, and my health limits me as well so 2-3 days is my limit Hope you enjoy/enjoyed your shopping. Michael I don't know if you have anything similar over there, but we have an allotment, a patch of land you rent from your council ours is about 960 square yards and we can grow nearly all our veg and half our fruit, we have chickens too and with my youngest daughter being a livestock farmer. we do very little food shopping, As you probably know there are times when you just don't feel like eating, usually 1 or 2 days a week, but we like salads, stir fry's, homemade soups, stews and pasta and we make lots of sauces and pickles. We do eat out as well and have restaurants from all over the world to choose from. Eddie