Starting chemo tomorrow


After 3 surgeries to remove DCIS I unfortunately was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer last November. I’m now 9 weeks post op mastectomy with diep flap reconstruction. 
Having 3 lymph nodes removed during surgery it was found that the cancer had spread to 1 of the 3 nodes so chemotherapy was advised.

After a few hiccups and a wound infection I finally start my first round of chemotherapy tomorrow.
 EC every 2 weeks for  4 cycles then paclitaxel also every 2 weeks for 4 cycles.

To say I’m feeling a bit anxious about it all is an understatement, worried about the side effects and loosing my long hair, I’m thinking of maybe giving the cold cap a try.

Any advice would be appreciated. 

  • Hi Maggie-May

    Sorry to hear of your husbands diagnosis and hopefully the change of tablets will ease his sickness.

    It must be hard for you, I know my husband is struggling with my diagnosis and treatment plan.

    Theres lots of support out there but I know doesn’t suit everyone esp my husband he keeps everything to himself.

    Please reach out on here anytime you want a chat x

  • It was uncomfortable only because of the many attempts and can only use my left hand because I’ve had lymph nodes removed from my right side.

    Thinkinb of you today xx

  • Hey, round 1 done! Feeling ok so far, like you said cold cap not nearly as bad as expected, I didn’t even find the start that bad so I’m a little worried it was maybe too big, i have a pretty small head and had their smallest cap! Xx

  • Hey Emma, glad to hear all went well and you tolerated the cold cap. I didn’t find it bad at all this time just a shame I had to do it and not actually get my chemo.

    Have you got antiemetics, steroids and injections to take at home? 

    Sleep well and hopefully you have no side effect. xx

  • Thank you so much. Yes it's very difficult to watch someone ypu love dearly fade away before your eyes, and there is nothing you can do to prevent it, apart from of course be there. I have found the support exceptional, and glad I have also found this chat.

    Good luck with your treatment. Xx sending lots of love ️ 

  • Hi Emma, just checking in to see how you are? xx

  • Hi thanks for checking in, I’m not so great at the moment, I’ve come down with quite a bad cold that I caught off the kids - typical! So I don’t think it’s chemo related but that’s maybe making me feel it worse, been in bed for the last 2 days with a really sore head that isn’t clearing.

    How are you doing? How’s the hair? Mine is quite itchy and I’m scared to touch it, I look a state as I’ve not washed it in a week! lol xx

  • Sorry to hear your not feeling great, just keep an eye on your temperature and if your in doubt at all phone the helpline just to be safe.

    I'm ok just a bit fed up, my hair is coming out in clumps so that’s getting me down I’m also scared to touch it my scalp is really itchy and tingly too. 
    Finally got appt for picc line on Monday so should be good for next chemo on Wed. 
    Went to the place you suggested to see about a wig they had so much more to offer. I ordered one that should come next week. 

    Take care and hope you feel better soon xx 

  • Yeah I have been checking my temperature lots, I do feel a lot better today so think I’m getting over it now. 
    Oh no I was hoping you had managed to keep your hair! Sorry to hear that, I can imagine how upsetting that will be (I’m sure it’s going to happen to me soon). Do you think you’ll keep going with the cold cap or is it too much that’s come out?
    great news on the wig though, really glad you got sorted xx