Starting chemo tomorrow


After 3 surgeries to remove DCIS I unfortunately was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer last November. I’m now 9 weeks post op mastectomy with diep flap reconstruction. 
Having 3 lymph nodes removed during surgery it was found that the cancer had spread to 1 of the 3 nodes so chemotherapy was advised.

After a few hiccups and a wound infection I finally start my first round of chemotherapy tomorrow.
 EC every 2 weeks for  4 cycles then paclitaxel also every 2 weeks for 4 cycles.

To say I’m feeling a bit anxious about it all is an understatement, worried about the side effects and loosing my long hair, I’m thinking of maybe giving the cold cap a try.

Any advice would be appreciated. 

  • Hi Em24ma, just wanted to say good luck for tomorrow. I will be thinking about you, hope all goes well. 
    How are you feeling? x

  • Hello, change of plan they delayed it by a week as I had to get some dental work done first and couldn’t get an appointment until yesterday. So starting next Thursday or Friday, just waiting on a letter with the new schedule. Thanks for your message though. How are you doing now? Xx

  • Oh that’s good your getting  your dental work done first.

    I’m doing good, I’ve had a few headaches, some dizziness and my stomach a bit upset since starting the injections but all manageable and not stopping me from getting out and about.

    Round 2 next wed so will see how that goes.

    Have a good weekend and will hear how you are next week xx

  • That’s good that u are still able to get out and about.
    I went to a wig shop in the city centre today (will message u privately to let u know which one) but it was brilliant I’ve ordered one that I really like. I also went to the one at my hospital that u went to but wasn’t keen on any of theirs, I thought this shop was far better so if u haven’t got one yet I’d highly recommend them xx

  • Hello, how did round 2 go? I’m officially starting tomorrow so I’ll just be a week behind you. Had my pre-chemo hair cut today, cried quite a lot but actually quite liking my new choppy bob, never had my hair like this before, always had it long. Hope you are doing well xx

  • Hi Emma, unfortunately didn’t go to plan had to stop because my vein tissued. 
    After 10 attempts the decision has been made for me to have a picc line

    So back next week to try again after picc line inserted.

    I also had my hair cut, it’s now shoulder length, shortest I’ve had it. 
    Good luck for tomorrow, let me know how you get on xx

  • Oh dear sorry to hear that, was that painful? I was expecting to get either a port or picc, it’s quite surprising that they usually do all the infusions in the arm. I will let you know how I get on, it’s still a late start, 3.30 but they said it should only take about 3 hours xx

  • Hi. I am new to this forum but would like to wish you the very best of luck xx I am caring for my husband who was diagnosed with Oesophogal cancer in November 2023. Xx 

  • Hello Maggie-May, thank you for your kind message x I hope your husband is doing ok? This forum is a great source of support and info xx

  • Morning. In himself he seems OK, but is very sick ATM which the dietician is concerned about. They are going to look at changing his sickness tablets tomorrow when he goes for his chemo so hopefully hat will help. Here's hoping your chemo goes well. Thanks for reaching out. I do feel a little alone at times even tho it's not me actually experiencing this awful bloody ddisease.x