Breast cancer bad day

Hi everyone, I’m about 8 weeks after diagnosis for invasive ducal carcinoma, I’ve had single mastectomy with immediate reconstruction and then last Wednesday another op to have lymph nodes removed. I’ve now been told that it will be about two weeks to find out results on if I need chemotherapy. Today I’m having a really bad day, so far I’ve been able to hold it together but today everything has got on top of me. I have been loaded with so much information all at once that seems to keep changing with different people, I just can’t keep up. All I now want to do is scream at the top of my voice and then roll into a ball and cry. I feel like I’m in total meltdown. It’s all been too much to take in, in the last few weeks. I go to bed worrying about what will happen and wake up worrying about what will happen. Friends and family think they’re helping by talking about what they’re doing and showing holiday pics and trying to make everything normal but it just makes me feel more depressed knowing I can’t do any of these things, which in turn makes me feel bad as they’re just trying to help. I have elderly parents 87 and 88 who I’m also trying to put a brave face on for and I just don’t think I can do it any more. Is there anyone else who feels similar or can offer any advice to get over these negative feelings before I end up smashing things in my home. Thanks in advance.

  • I’ve had the same thing said to me about breast cancer being the best one as it’s the one most money gets thrown at. Nobody can ever realise how hard it is until you’re in it. I never expected it hit me this hard. When I had my mastectomy I had someone say ooh! aren’t you brave, i”m not, I really had no choice. I feel sure we’re all going to get through it and come out the other side because we are in fact survivors. 

  • I know, I just wish people would say , I’m sorry to hear what you are going through , and just leave it at that. Anyway , I hope you are feeling a bit better today xx

  • Better today. It’s all up’s and downs isn’t it. I hope you’re keeping well. 

  • Hi I haven’t put much on here but I’m waiting to go in for sentinel node biopsy next week and a DIEP in Oct . Bc is back after 18 years in the same breast. I’m ok apart from the odd wobble . Hope you have a nice weekend . Sometimes it all hits you after treatment but I know you’re stil waiting to hear about chemo . Let’s keep everything crossed that we both don’t need it ! Xx

  • I’m so sorry to hear this, the one thing I can tell you is things have definitely got better in the last 18 years, i know this probably won’t make you feel any better. Fingers crossed for your op next week.if you need to talk to anyone just find me on here. Xxx

  • Offline in reply to LCR

    LCR ls it it next week your operation ? It’s coming around now felt like it was a long time when you said about it it’s soon come around how you doing with the no smoking still ? I’m still on my vape ( my Dummy ) I call it lol 

  • Sassy 

    how are you feeling now how long left for your results now ? Xx 

  • I’ve not heard anything as yet, hoping it comes in next week, bit nervous though xx

  • Sassy 

    I rang everyday for my Oncotype score they said 2 to 3 weeks it was back in about 9 days , I was a nuisance lol 

    my oncologist emailed me on a Friday afternoon it was my hubbys 50 th birthday the day after I was so miserable and dreading the celebrations on the Saturday but god was with me on the Friday afternoon I had the email with the score , for the first time I actually cried my eyes out with happiness and opened a bottle drank all night had a party that night no hangover was running on good news lol x 

    nut I could by chasing daily I was in control I’m ridiculous lol 

    hopefully you will hear this week x 

    How is your oncologist ? Approachable or strict I the way you contact them ? 

  • Offline in reply to laraj

    Hi Ladies , thank you for your kind messages . Yes surgery next week , the the big one in Oct fingers crossed. Yes Lara still off the cigs , but I’d still love one ! Still on my nicotine free vape! I’ve smoked for 48 years and gave up on a week ! Sassy how did you find the reconstruction? Are you pleased with the results?