I’m 18 years old and recently found out my grandad has terminal cancer, although he can not get rid of the cancer he is going through chemo in order to prolong the time he has left. I’m finding it really hard seeing him go through the treatment as he doesn’t even look like himself anymore, i am trying to be positive and want to make the most of the time left with him. Despite this every time I see him I’m reminded how much I love him and have to accept the fact that he will be gone over time which is every difficult. In addition to this I have been having really bad mood swings, doing things out of my character and my appetite is non existent which I think is due to stress. My mum (his daughter) is also very down about him and his illness and I am trying to be strong for her but finding it very difficult, just wondering if anyone can offer me and my mum help to deal with this sort of thing and how I can try improve my state of mind.