My partner diagnosed at stage 4 cancer at age 30

I don't even know what to write. I just feel like I need to talk to people who understand what we are going through as a family. I'm 29 my partner 30 we have been together 11 years. We have a 8 year boy and 3 year old twin boys. 

He started getting a lump on his back being his typical laid back self he put off getting it seen. It's now fungating and he finally got see on Friday at a&e followed by a ct scan yesterday showing the cancer has spread to his lung and arm pit. We are absolutely devastated. How on earth do we well our boys, what do we tell them when we are so unsure of everything ourselves. 

We are so young I just can not get my head around this. We doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, never touched a drug in his life now this devastating news. 

We have an appointment tomorrow with the consultant to find out what treatment if any will be offered but I'm fearing the worst he's in pain and so tired and pale already I fear the end is only around the corner.

  • Welcome to the forum, Taylor193374 although I'm sorry to hear about the reason that brings you here.

    The news you've received is undoubtedly overwhelming, and it's completely natural to feel lost and uncertain during such challenging times. You've reached out to a community that cares, and it's okay to express your feelings. I hope some of our members who can relate to your story will be here shortly to talk with you and offer support.

    As you prepare for the upcoming appointment with the consultant, it might be helpful to bring a list of questions and concerns. Understanding the treatment options, potential outcomes, and how to communicate this with your children could be discussed during the appointment. The medical team is there to guide you through this process and provide as much clarity as possible.

    In terms of sharing the news with your children, honesty, and age-appropriate explanations are key. You may want to assure them that you and your partner, along with the medical team, are doing everything possible to address the situation. Children can be more resilient than we sometimes give them credit for, and maintaining open communication can help them process the information.

    Take things one step at a time, and don't hesitate to lean on your friends, family, and the support networks around you. You are stronger than you realise, and there is a community here ready to listen and offer comfort during this difficult time.

    With my best wishes,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Taylor, I'm really sorry to hear this and I can totally understand. I'm 28, my partner is 30 and he was initially diagnosed when he was 27. We've gone through countless rounds of chemo, immunotherapy and radiotherapy, and most recently a stem cell transplant. Things are tough and they just get tougher and tougher as time goes on and you see the person you love become less and less before your own eyes. We don't have children and I can't even imagine the thought of having to break the news to them. My heart truly goes out to you and your family.

    Have you had anymore news on a treatment plan? Do you know the stage or how fast it is spreading?

    I will send you a friend request, my messages are always open if you want to share or discuss anything xxx

  • Hey I'm so sorry to hear about your situation! I can't help but feel so alone with all this. So he has started immunotherapy yesterday so far he's grand no side effects but dread these coming. We are currently waiting on brain ct results to see if it's spread. Apart from that we still haven't much of a clue what's going on or how fast it's spread or how long or what happens if this treatment doesn't work as we have been told unfortunately at this stage they won't be able to operate. Its so so hard already watching him deteriote and I know its only going to get worse.

    He is staying positive but I think he's almost just in disbelief or doesn't want to admit how much it has effected life already 

  • Hi Taylor, my partner is 32 and also has stage 4 , I think it helped that the doctors said it was nothing he had done, just a freak rare cancer…but also frustrating that there are no answers as to why. I completely understand, and we don’t have kids…..BUT the good news is that the doctors said because he’s young and your partner too, there’s a lot more hope than someone much older despite the advanced nature of the cancer. He’s going through chemotherapy and immunotherapy and I’ve to say coping a lot better than some older colleagues I know going through similar. So , even though it’s horrible to have this at a young age, it does give you better ability to cope. 

  • Thank you so much for the reply. Crazy thw change there has been in my partner from when I wrote this. He's back to him 'Normal' self after the 1st round of immunotherapy. He has a ct scan tomorrow and back for 2nd round immunotherapy next week. Looking really positive ATM. And we got married two weeks ago so that's been lovely

    I hope all goes well with you partners treatment and I'm always here for a chat if you want to talk x

  • Congratulations that’s great to hear and sending you even more positive vibes! Really uplifting for me too to hear this 

  • Hi,

    Just wanted to get in touch as I'm 30 and my partner is 35 and diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer. Unfortunately he's only been given around a year to live but that was 6 months ago and he'd coping with the chemo really well and is currently feeling mostly normal which is great. I see you got married and we did this too, two months after his diagnosis, wedding planning was a bit manic but we had the best day! I hope you had an amazing wedding and you're enjoying time with your husband now that he's coping well with treatment. Wishing all the best for you both.

    Laura xx

  • Gosh Laura I am so sorry to learn of your husbands diagnosis! We had 10 weeks to plan the wedding and as manic as that was it was such a welcome distraction I'm sure you found the same. Congratulations to you both on the marriage and I wish yous all the best! Here if you ever need a chat x