I’m really struggling with the fact my dad died

I don't really know where to turn because no one I know has really gone through this yet. 
I lost my dad 2 months ago and it's absolutely destroying me. My dad played both mum and dad and I've lost 2 parents in one and im broken. We spoke and saw each other every single day without fail and im so lonely without him. My heart has broken and I have no one to turn to. Im not depressed but im extremely sad, lonely and my heart has truly shattered. I try and talk to friends and family but they don't understand and I keep getting "I'm always here" and "at least you got to say goodbye". It's like my world has stopped and everyone else's is still going and I feel like whenever I'm around people I instantly drag their mood down. I just genuinely don't know how to cope that he is no longer here

I would like to just thank everyone for their kind words and support, it is very appreciated. I haven't had much time recently to reply but I want you all to know I'm here for you ️  you'll never be alone in the world when people as nice as you lot are here x

  • I cant accept that my dad is dying i love him so much i need him i cant loose him hes my best frend my kids adore him and i cant fix it or make him better and its breaking me my heart is crying and ivd never felt so helpless to him i cnt loose him hes my world its not fair

  • Hi moonlight99 I'm a 19 year old male who lost his mom at a young age of 2 over the years iv never grieved I never even knew what a mother was until I was 9/10 years old but now that I'm older I really miss her a lot and I don't know how to talk about it to anyone cause nobody will understand but one thing that helps me is that I just rember that while my mother was on this planet living that she lived every moment that she could I rember that she was so happy. And from what I can tell you and your dad were very happy and he were both very close and I want you to rember that your dad was the person who when you were born he smiled, when you took your first steps he was so proud, when you made a big choice in life he believed in you, and all them days where you would go over to him and spend time with him you made him feel loved and happy that he has such an amazing child in his life it's though I get that but I promise you that he was very happy and would never want you to be like this and would want whats best for you and for you to go enjoy your life and live it to the fullest. I send my condolences to you and your family I hope you see some light in this post :))

  • I know your post was over a year ago but I was wondering how you are feeling a year later.

    I lost my Dad in August and relate to everything you said a year ago. My Dad was my world and he is gone

  • I'll be honest i didn't realise the amount of people that have commented I didn't receive any notifications til yours. I'm doing a lot better, don't get me wrong it's still very very weird not being able to talk, see and not being able to celebrate his 50th. But I'm okay thank you. Im still very lonely however it's quite comforting (weird I know). I'm so sorry for your loss and I completely understand everything you are experiencing and I'm here if you need a chat ️

  • Hi there, 

    I posted last year to say my Dad had been diagnosed with cancer and was given 6 months or less to live. My Dad was the only parent I ever had. My Dad died on March 5th this year and I miss him every minute of every day. I was with him when he died. It was a horrific death. I have days where I'm ok and managing and days where I feel ***. I just wish I could see and speak to him again, but I guess everyone wants that. I'm glad (if that's the right word, but doesn't seem the right word) that he's no longer in pain or suffering anymore, but I just wish I had him for longer, but healthy. Unfortunately we all die, and we have to make the most of our life and cherish loved ones while they're here if we're lucky to have people we love. My Dad said to me that I wasn't to be sad when he died, to live my life and be happy. I listen to my Dad's words in my head when I feel down and look at his photos and videos of him often. He was my best friend and we told each other everything and laughed a lot. Just wish I had him here, but I'm lucky I had him for the time I did. Life is so so short. It's hard to be happy all the time as life is tough, but try to cherish the moments you are happy. If anyone ever wants to chat, I'm here. Xx

  • I'm so very sorry to read your post. I know what you mean, I lost my Dad a year ago and I've dreaded losing him or my Mum all of my life. I've always worried about it since being a little kid - but it's so much worse than I can ever of imagined. Dad had been ill but not expected to pass & I still feel in shock tbh. I still cry every single day for him & so many things trigger this. He was my hero, biggest cheerleader, my confident & my best friend. I feel I have no one to talk to except for my Mum, but I don't want want to burden her with how I really feel. I got a phone call in the middle of the night to say he'd passed. I didn't get to say goodbye. To thank him for being the best Dad, to tell him not to be scared or that I'd look after my Mum - the love of his life. I know no one can tell me, but I need to know if he knew what was happening? Was he scared? I know this all seems irrational but it's been 14 months and I still feel as lost and hopeless as if it was yesterday. Thank you for reading xxxx

  • You don't know me but my mummy died of cancer, I love you, please make sure 

  • Hi! Sorry for the really late reply, I have just had time to grieve really and accept it. It has only taken me nearly two years but I hope you are doing okay now? Please reach out if you ever feel lost, I am no professional but I can help from experience :) 

  • Hi,

    I would like to say sorry for my late reply. it sounds like you and your dad had a very close relationship like me and my dad did. Those days will stick however try and make the most of the memories you have that way he will always be with you. I felt the same with the passing of my dad it was like a relief when he passed, as I knew he was not in pain anymore, he couldn't breathe properly nothing. You're dad sounds like such a lovely guy and the world has lost an amazing soul however he will 100% live on through you. Please feel free to message at any time of day. i will be here to listen x

  • Hey! I hope you are doing okay :)

    I am so sorry for your loss and as a mother myself I am here for you okay. 


    Thank you for your kind words about my dad, he was one of a kind. 


    If you ever need anyone to vent to, talk to because as you said not many people do actually understand im here for you, PLEASE do not hesitate to reach out