I miss my mum!!! She died in July

Hi, everyone 

I made this account because I felt like I need to speak to people that may understand what I am going through. 

I am 26 years old and my mum was 58 and she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer last year 25th August 2017. She passed away on July 23rd 2018 at 12:58 am. I feel like I have lost my best friend and I feel like it’s hitting me each day of the shock that my mum has gone. Her cancer came out of no where it just started off as a cough and they she went in hospital and they just told her the worst. She had chemotherapy, she lost her hair, she was getting weaker and weaker by the second to the point she could not breath. 

I went to every appointment she had and I did everything for her. The week she passed it was my daughters birthday and I took my daughter to Alton towers and my sister told me mum was being rushed in to hospital. I was in shock but there was nothing I could do. My sister said mums ok don’t panic enjoy your daughters birthday. I told my mum I would come see her on Monday in hospital and this is where the story changed. 

I went to sleep and woke up crying but i didn’t no why I just felt sad and I said randomly “ I hope my mum is okay”. Then I looked at my phone at 1:30am and my mum rang me at 12:53am twice but I missed her call. I rang her back twice no answer back. I was worried cause my mum NEVER rings me at that time. Then I got the worst call ever at 5:30 in the morning hospital rang me saying my mum has passed away. My heart broke in to pieces and what makes it worse I am pregnant with her 6th grandchild and the day she passed she was meant to come to my first scan. Also on the day she passed it was my sisters wedding anniversary. 

This year has not been the best for me and my sisters and after all of that my dad is diagnosed with dementia. 

I just really miss my mum so much and im only so young to be going through this all. I don’t no how I’m going to cope with me still needing my mum. I love her so much.  

Thanks for listening 

  • Hi Hun xx

    so sorry for your loss. 

    We have a similar story...you said Mum had developed a cough...was she diagnosed with lung cancer? xx 

    My Mum died aged 57 from lung cancer. She developed a cough that would not go away. However, she was dismissed by her GP as having a chest infection. 

    It wasn’t until my cousin took her to A & E that they found a ‘shadow’ on her lung. Sadly, we lost her only three weeks after diagnosis (no chance for her to start treatment (chemotherapy)...it was on both lungs and liver by the time they found it. Before they could start chemotherapy she had to be treated for fluid on the lungs and other complications...but she passed very quickly before her chemo could commence). 

    Your story is heartbreaking........but you are right.....there was nothing you could have done unfortunately and....I know you said you were planning on seeing your Mum on the Monday and that is perfectly reasonable....nobody expects their mum to pass so suddenly xx 

    You have so much going on right now.....I am so sorry you’re going through this....I am a few years on in my journey from my mum’s passing but...as someone who has also lost their mum at a similar age I can say....it does get better xx 

  • Hi there ..

    So sorry you lost your mum, and you missed her call .. my mum went suddenly with a heart attack... and I never got the chance to say good bye too ... it's so painful because we were blessed with lovely mum's .. I,  like you knew when the phone rang that day, it was my mum and felt sick as I picked the phone up ..

    I was 36 when I lost mum but I have felt her around .. I believe they watch over us ... when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I found beautiful white feathers everywhere even in my bra .. the day I got the news it was contained, they stopped ... so if you ever feel or get a clue she's close, believe it ..

    There's no easy way through grief .. that first year is like a raw year, like a wound that won't heal ... but we do get used to not having them around .. but the missing is there always, and we have to learn to live with that .. so be kind to your heart, and know it's just trying to make sense of what's happened, when there is none ... sending you a vertual hug ... Chrissie x

  • Hi, 


    Yes it was stage 4 lung cancer. There was shadows in her scan also. I honestly thought she wouldn’t go when she would so soon. I really do appreciate your reply as mine and your story is very similar. Thank you so much. X x 

  • Hi, 

    thank you for your reply. When your mensioned white feather I found a small white feather on the floor in my bedroom. Don’t no where it came from. I think she is near me watching over. I love her so much!! 


    Thank you again and I’m sending you a vertual hug back x x x 


  • How are you doing, Leanne? 

    It’s such a shock, a diagnosis of cancer...I can recall when my Mum died thinking that I wasn’t even over the shock of her getting cancer nevermind her passing away from it. I am sure it is the same for you xx you say your Mum’s diagnosis came out of nowhere - I felt exactly the same....one day she was fine...the next she developed that cough and that was the start of her journey. 

    I hope you’re doing OK - silly thing to say in light of your pain but I really hope you are doing as well as you can xx take care, S xx 

  • Hi Leanne I think your mum would be so happy to know that she meant so much to you.

    Perhaps she is secretly glad that you didn't have to see her go through a lingering illness.

    Trust she is with you in spirit and she knows that you will give her love to your children, her grandchildren and that you can cope.

    You can always draw strength by thinking of her.

    No one ever can be sure of the hour of their passing but I am fairly confident that their relatives on the other side come forward to meet them.

    I find it very wholesome that you find the quiet hours a good time to miss your mum because these are also the most peace full hours.

    Do not exhaust yourself with grieving because daily life can be very demanding and you need to keep your energy for family.

    Remember your mum in your peaceful sleep where she may be able to project her mind to meet yours.

    Sweet dreams.x

  • Thank you , I appreciate your reply x x x