Missing John

My John died 9months ago yesterday.i do wish I could have him back,he was my best friend and the nicest person I have ever know.i,m ok when I'm busy but everything I do ,every where I go and everything I  have,has memories attach which make me cry.

All our lives together and with our children ,we used to say "make happy memories" which we did and I love him for it ,and I want to be better than this for him but it is so hard...I feel as though I don't want to let go

  • Hello there tonic, and welcome.  Don't be too hard on yourself; grief strikes us all differently.  Some find that after a while it gradually starts to be a bit less painful; in others it can come back and bite you when you think you have got over it; and generally there is no hard and fast rule.  We are all different.  When you get to my age (65) there is a bundle of grief that occasionally comes and goes even when the people I loved died many years ago.  I still sometimes feel the unfairness of it in some cases.  Other people I loved a great deal but the grief I feel is not necessarily the most acute when I think of them.  It is all a bit mysterious but don't let it worry you unless it is seriously intruding in your life.    When you talk of "letting go" in one sense you never totally let go as the loved one is always going to be a part of you.  You might find it helpful to ring Cruse Bereavement Care (Freefone 0808 808 1677) who are a well-known charity who help you make sense of grief.  I am told that in some areas they are having to ask some people to wait a short while bit you could try it and see.  (Lots of charities are sadly suffering from loss of funding.)  In any event take a look at their website as there is some good information there.  Don't beat yourself up; surely your John would not have wanted you to do this.  Just give it time, go with it, seek help and continue to post here and chat with the many people on this forum who have been in your position.  Annie

  • Thanks for your reply Annie,I'm fine really ,some days I'm busy and don't think to much and some days the smallest thing hits a nerve.It is a natural process and it would be strange not to feel anything after being together for 46years.x tonic

  • Hi Tonic.

    I know exactly what you mean. I don't have the best advice or any at all as I'm struggling myself with the loss of my darling Sam. All I can offer is my heartfelt condolences and know that somebody out there is feeling your pain too.

    May God bless you with peace and comfort during this very sad time.


    Love Berney.

  • Thanks Berney for taking the time to reply,considering what you are going through,I do hope you are doing ok and looking after yourself.i am further down the road on this journey than you and I must say some days when I'm busy at work or doing things ,I feel ok other to mm es especially when I see something I would love John to see and share it hits me all over again.I hope your struggle is bearable for you,hope you have someone to turn to to give you a hug when you need it x tonic

  • Hi tonic

    Can relate to your words and send you a virtual hug.  Lost my 'John' three years ago but as you say sometimes the emotions/memories still hurt.  I know it just shows how lucky I was to have in my life for so many years and have the support of children and grandchildren (new grandchild due in July so another emotional blip then I am sure!) but the loss of best friend and soulmate leaves a hole that is difficult to fill (not that I want to!!) and 'thinking time' when not so busy is always precious/nostalgic.

    Have just returned from a long walk (my kind of therapy).

    Look after yourself.  Jules