I miss my mum so much .

I lost my mum only a few weeks ago. From bone and lung cancer , only diagnosed in November.

My mum was my world, I told my mum everything and she was always their for me,

I loved her so much and wanted to go with my mum.

Only two weeks on after mums cremation I just struggle every day. I don't want to be around anyone.

My partner is the only person and my two dogs I feel I want.

I caint seem to go back to work as I'm afraid of being around people.

I don't no how to cope or deal with the loss of my mum.

Does anyone have any advice please .

  • Hi, I lost my lovely mum on the 8th of march, I do get how bad you feel, it's a real, physical ache that is always there, and some days I just want to die myself, it's only my love for my partner, brothers and pets- I don't have kids-1dead- that stops me.My mum was my world and my life is pointless without her.I don't have any words of wisdom for you, sorry, but it helps to know your not alone in your sorrow, and other people are enduring their own nightmares just as you are.Keep going, keep trying, miss your mum and get through another day, you can do it. Much love x
  • Hi there ... So sorry you lost your mum to this cancer that has no compassion , no empathy ... 

    But please go easy on yourself as your in those first raw months ...  Missing someone that much, just shows how blessed you were to have such a wonderful mum in your life ....  So many will never know that love ... My mum was my best friend too ... And an amazing nanny to all her grandkids ...

    There is no easy way through ... It's all part of the grieving process ... I'm 29 years after mum mum left , and although you do get used to them not being around, you never stop missing them ... I love an old buddists saying ... Don't cry because you lost someone .... Smile because you were blessed to have had them in your life ...

    I know if my mum looked down to see me crying, she would be broken hearted ... So I live my life in the way she'd have wanted ... I don't think any mum would want to see their baby hurting so very much ...

    She hasn't left you, she's right there in your heart ...  Chrissie xx

  • Awww bless you all, I lost my mum to cancer, her end was a hard one, it wasn't pretty, and I knew that she was in a better place after all the suffering, but this was prolonged, shorter deaths I think are harder to comprehend, you don't really have the time to think for yourself/process or for others, please please please know that our mums would not want anything bad on us, and that they want the best for us and don't want to be a reason why we delayed our future and progressions, this is what your mum's would thrive off if viewed, to see that we did our hardest to overcome our shadows and filled out hearts... I stand strong every day pushing myself forward and this hasnt changed living with cancer either.

    Grieving is a process that opens you to your toughest challenges, it's how you attach to them that makes and shapes your future in my experience, I always try find a little positive in anything I do, even at my worst tradgedys, then I look back and no I won't break because of how hard it was to hold myself together on each step on each turn on each junction... Your mum will be in your dreams Hun, please see this of love and light with all her might, and know that our mums never leave us xxx 

  • Hi there,

    Im in a similar situation. Lost my mum on the 24th April 18 from cervical cancer. I was fine the 1st couple of days, think i was in denial then yesterday it just hit me and iv spent the whole day hiding in the house from visitors as i dont want to be around people

    Iv got no advice but just letting you know your not alone xx

  • I' sorry I haven' replied sooner. It' just been hard to reply as my emoions are all over the place.

    I' sorry for your loss too.

    Still struggle to get motivated to do anything.

    I don' like being around people. And prefer to stay around my house and garden.

    I cried so much the other day because I wanted to call my mum so bad.


  • Your message was so lovely. But I just couldn' bring myself to reply as each time I would cry.

    I' still finding it very hard to carry on with my life.

    At the moment I don' seem to want to be around people.

    I stay in my house or garden with my dogs x

  • Thank you for your words of advice. 

    I have been strugging with every day life to be honest and have kept myself to myself with my dogs in my house and garde.

    I struggle to do anything and some days I wish I could join my mum.

    I love her and miss her so much.

    Thank ou again


  • Thank you for your reply.

    Sorry I never replied earlier I've found things very hard .

    But like you said we are not alone.

    Thank ou again


  • I lost my mum on the 14th May. I haven't greaved for her properly yet as I had to stay strong for my own children and also for her great gran children, I'm told it will get easier in time, I feel empty I side like you my mum was my world she was my best friend, I'm living on auto pilot feeling like I can't cry now, my insides feel empty, one thing that keeps me sane is that my mum is always in the next room and so is yours, you can't see her but if you can close your eyes you can feel her there, she will never be far away, and won't want you to hurt like this she will want you to strong and live your life to the full, I hope you can get through this x

  • Hi I'm new to this site, but feel this is the only place where how I feel seems shared by others. I lost my mum a year ago, she was my best friend my soul mate and another mum to my children. We only live 2 doors away from her home. I also don't hardly go out any more or want to mix with any one. My friends have stopped trying to get hold of me any more, because I wouldn't answer the door or calls.....all I can say is some days are better than others, the pain never goes away, but sometimes we laugggh at the things we got up to with the kids, my kids and I created a memory jar filled with amazing times we shared and things that she said. I feel I will never get over the pain as it's still as raw aS the day she told me she was dying...I prayed so hard, begged god to take me instead as she was such a better person than me.....I have to admit if I didn't have children I would probably end my life as my  pain is unbearable. But I need to be there for them as the pain of loosing 2 people u love is something I will never put them  through if I can help it....I just take each day at a time, some days I'm fine and others not so great. My mum was everything to me losing her was the worst moment of my life, and iv bin through a lot. I just try and remember the pain I feel is because of the amazing mum, nan, friend and wife she was, and that if I didn't miss her then she wasn't that significant in our lives.....this is the first time iv actually shared how I feel to anyone, and broke down even writing this...