Should I go to the chapel of rest?

Please can you give me your thoughts on if I should go and see my beautiful mum at the chapel of rest? 

I really don't know what to do. 

She passed on Monday and all I can see is her struggling to breath. Will it help seeing her again? 

Thank you in advance x

  • Hey! Did you go to the chapel of rest? My Dad passed 3 weeks ago and it's his funeral in 6 days. I'm really torn about whether to go and see him at the chapel of rest. I wasn't with him when he passed- he waited until we had all left the hospice however I was back there within half an hour and was given time alone with him to say goodbye. I'm not sure if that was enough for me or whether I should go and see him again?

    I went to see my mother in law 8 years ago and it was incredibly traumatic. The amount of drugs she was on had made her look totally different and it literally traumatised me for about 2 years. 

    But (and no disrespect to my mother in law) but this is MY dad. My absolute hero. 
    im so torn xx


  • I couldn't do it - I got a family member to take a photo so if I am ready one day I can see the clothes I dressed her in and see how beautiful she looked- but no I didn't go- my auntie said she looked different and I wouldn't be able to handle it seeing as my mental health declined when at mum was diagnosed and I was so close to her.

    she waited till I left the hospice when she passed too- apparently it's very common it's like our loved ones know we've gone and don't want to traumatise us more .

    it is entirely up to you but if you think it will be too much then it probably isn't a good idea x

    sorry about your loss 

  • I think I will see how I feel on Wednesday. I'm going to drop off some bits for his coffin so I think I'll see how I feel. 

    How are you doing now? Xx

  • Hi

    my advice to you would be to go it's so peaceful their and that's your last time with your dad lm from lreland so we always have a wake as such were we celebrate them my husband was so loved and as l said went in 24days he looked just like himself but then he did right up till his last breath l was with him and so was my four sons.It's your Dad he be minding you and looking after you all the way.xx