I miss my mum so much. When will it get easier?

I lost my beautiful Mum to stomach cancer just over a month ago. The pain just keeps getting worse and I miss her more everyday and I can't believe that I'm never going to see her ever again. I literally can't bare it.

This will also be my first Christmas I've not spent with her and I'm dreading it, as is the rest of my family.

When will things get easier?


  • I'm sure there'll be a sign from your Mum when you least expect it. Remember she made you the lovely, strong person you are today. You've been brave in opening up on this forum and I'm sure she's proud of you for seeking help. She is guiding you xx Was there anything in particular your Mum enjoyed doing, or visiting? Perhaps doing something she enjoyed will help a sign come xx 

  • I really hope she is around somewhere snd I'm just not sensing it. I miss her so much and I feel angry that this has happened to my poor Mum and me. My Mum loved shopping and I think of her every time I go shopping, but it also makes me so sad as it was something we enjoyed doing together. I find that almost anything and everything reminds me of my Mum, which makes the grieving process even more difficult. 

    I picked up her ashes this week and I was hoping that by having them she might send me a sign that she's with me. Xx

  • Hi Lucy,

    I'm very sorry to hear of your moms passing. I lost mine in May and for me it has taken a long time just to even sink in, it feels unreal. Even now it's like she is still here and not really gone. This will also be my first christmas without my mom. Last christmas she was in hospital but at least I could go see her, speak to her and laugh with her etc, she was even getting "better" during that time and due to come home.

    I don't think you will ever get "over" it nor is there is any set time for things to get easier. Although I'm sure (and hope) in time you will learn to live with it better and remembering the good times will come easier. Your mom would want you to be happy in life because she loved you.

    I will keep you in my thoughts...

    God Bless x

  • Hi Dawn and Lucy, thank you for your kind words, yes I gave a close family albeit small but I often feel I have to be the brave one so will always try and put them first . My Dad is devastated as are we all and I have a 20 year old daughter who was incredibly close to my Mum so I try to be brave which is why I hate bedtime as i only remember my mums face when she died or I go over the funeral again and again lying in bed. My husband has told me to go to councelling but I keep thinking I will be okay. I have seen my doctor who suggested Cruise  so I might give it ago . Just put my Christmas tree up today and took my mum a miniture one at the cemetery so trying you get in the festive spirit because I know she would be shouting at me otherwise Lol!,  It's a bit of a comfort to know I am not abnormal and it will take time....thank you both....Helen xx  

  • Hi Lucy i have just read this post..... trust me she will be around i too thought she was not around as my brother ,  husband and daughter had recieved a few signs and it was only when I spoke out loud to my dad saying that I think my mum had fallen out with me did I get another sign that very night. You will notice little things like when you have thought about her a song may come on the radio or with my mum she liked butterflies,  a week after  mum died i went to see a singer at a small concert , wasn't going to go but my husband thought it might help as the venue was a church would you believe anyway there was an interval and obviously I was thinking about mum all night and when the singer came back she had a very sparkly top on and the whole of the front and back was a beautiful butterfly.  Sign or coincidence..? It made me smile and was a comfort.  I am a strong believer that there is something after we die and I will see my mum again. Talk to your mum i do all the time , not in public though may get some strange looks!  Take care Helen x 


  • Hi  you sound as though you're being so brave for your family's sake, but make sure you allow yourself to grieve. I too suffer the most at night once the madness of the day is over. Try and remember some lovely memories that you shared instead of the funeral, which is quite a traumatic memory. I like to think of my Mum dancing around the house and being silly as that makes me happy, although it makes me miss her so much!

    Counselling sounds like it may be beneficial, as it's nice to vent and have some professional advice on how to get through this hard time!

    That's lovely that you got your Mum a little tree :). Xx

  • Hi Helen, that's a lovely story, I hope something similar happens to me. I believe that there's something after we die, and so did my Mum but she promised she would come and visit me and so far she hasn't. I picked up her ashes this week and I hoped that she might come to me in spirit. I'll keep looking out for signs! I even talk to her at home (which may seem mad!!) but still nothing. We were so close all of my 22 years of life and I'm baffled that she hasn't come to comfort me while I'm grieving her. :( xx

  • Hi Lucy I have read a few books by mediums give your mum time to settle in her new life she's probably catching up with everyone , she will be about though and you will see a sign when you least expect it. Every thought you have means she is there sometimes we look too hard for the signs I did then out the blue they come. Remember  also her blood runs through you , you have her genes and I suspect her values  so she is here, in you...... hugs xx

  • Hi Helen. I think I'll get some books like you've mentioned above, that's a nice comforting thought that she is still around somewhere. Hopefully she'll leave me some little signs soon to let me know that she's with me!

    thanks for making me a bit feel better about it xx

  • Hi Lucy, how are you ? How did Christmas go? We hired a cottage over the Christmas period as couldn't face being at home and it was probably the best thing we could have done. I missed mum terribly and had a few wobbles my dad said he could sense my mum around which was lovely and in the early hours of Christmas morning my husband was awoken by the TV turning itself on in the lounge ,it only happened the once all holiday ....I see it as my mum being there and letting us know, but it's what we believe ...hope you have had a good time, well as best it could be ....x Helen