My dad was diagnosed with lung cancer early September they told him he was palliative at the diagnosis so he knew straight away he would die from this, we were led to believe he would have chemo to prolong his life as even though he was 72 he was fit and healthy and was never an old man! You would never of believed he was 72! Anyway only 2 weeks after this he ended up in hospital and never returned home to us, he spent 4 weeks in the hospital then just over 4 weeks in the hospice where he died! He detriated extremely fast I could not believe what I was seeing and he colony believe it either . The cancer had spread to his liver and brain he wasn't really himself once it hit his brain. He went through hell.
He died just over a month ago and I just can't cope with life anymore at first I thought I was ok and could deal with it but now I know I can't , I don't think straight I can't sleep at night, my nerves are in edge all of the time and my anxiety is through the roof. I miss him so much but worst part in my head is what he went through that is the big part I can't deal with . I don't know what to do ?????!!