My husband passed away 5 weeks ago with advanced colon cancer, he battled it for 4 years, spreading from one place to another, several operations, chemo, radiotherapy and several clinical trials all of which failed, he also wouldn't tell anyone how bad it was, it was a very difficult and traumatic time as he wouldn't even accept help from Macmillan till the last month of his life, and I must say they were incredible, it was a very tough journey for us both especially as he wanted everything kept as normal as possible and he worked till September last year and me till 3 weeks before he passed, the hardest thing of all for me was that he changed, and was very confused in the last month turning very aggressive in the last few days, nobody knew what to do even the doctors, they were even considering sectioning him and putting him in a mental institution, I refused point blank because I knew it was the cancer, nobody could give me any reassurance, I don't think they had seen it before, eventually they managed to give him sedation and then admitted him to the local hospice where he stayed sadated until he passed away 2 days later..all I can think about is the last few days and can't remember any happy times, I'm becoming very depressed, the nurses at the hospice said that what had happened tod to him is that he was fighting death and the way it came out was called terminal aggitation