Bf being insensitive over dad’s funeral

Hi all

My dad passed away last week, and we are arranging the funeral. I have been seeing my boyfriend for 5 months now, we are quite committed. He told me he would of course be coming to the funeral if I wanted him there (which I do).

My mum and brother requested he doesn’t sit at the front with us during the service, which I was at first a bit taken aback by but it does make sense, they only want close family at the front - so I respected this, and told him. He didn’t take it well at all and got a bit upset and quiet. I told him I want to respect her&my brother’s wishes.

This came up again yesterday when I mentioned me, mum and my brother would travel in a car behind the hearse to the funeral, and he said he ‘feels like a bit of a spare part in all this’ and is put out by having to arrive alone & sit with my friends instead of me. I have told him again and again he can join me straight after the service and all throughout the wake, but that I just want to respect my family’s wishes at the service.

I’m honestly livid - I feel like he’s making this important day all about himself, and all I want to do on the day is celebrate my dad. He’s upset that I haven’t acknowledged his feelings enough and have been unkind in responding to his concerns. Can I get second opinions as to whether this is fair, or would you agree he needs to understand that this just isn’t about him?

  • Hi monkee4 and welcome, I am so sorry to hear about you dad, my commiserations to you and your family, you are not being insensitive to your partner, he is being insensitive to not only you but your family as well, you are only asking for a few minutes with your family to celebrate and pay your last respects to your dad, and if all he can think about is himself, I would be reconsidering him being there. take care.


  • Hi there, I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you’re doing okay. 
    I think your boyfriend probably feels a bit hopeless  at the moment and at a loss as to how to support you at this time. He probably does feel like a spare part but should be mature enough to respect your wishes