Hi all
I'm not really sure why I'm posting this to be honest. I think I'm reeling from the shock and need some positive support.
I lost my dad suddenly in March this year to a heart attack. I found him lying dead which traumatises me to this day. Now my beloved Mum is in hospital slowly and painfully passing away from cancer. Im by her bedside as I write this.
ive been really struggling with my mental health since my Mum was diagnosed in April last year and as trauma has happened my MH has worsened. I'm not going to say I've been an easy person to be around but I've been struggling to cope and my (now ex) bf hasn't been supportive. Then out of the blue yesterday he suddenly says he doesn't see us living together anymore (I'm currently in London to be close to the hdospital) he's at the house we used to live in together in Essex. This has totally floored me and I feel like I'm so alone and vulnerable. I didn't see this coming and thought he would be with me through thick and thin. He hasn't been supportive at all and I should probably have left the relationship myself earlier but I needed people around me. Now I feel so let down, everyone I get close to either dies or leaves me; feeling so hurt and alone now I am at my lowest point and it really hurts: I just want my mum back to tell me it's all ok