Boyfriend ended things just as my mum is dying

Hi all

I'm not really sure why I'm posting this to be honest. I think I'm reeling from the shock and need some positive support.  

I lost my dad suddenly in March this year to a heart attack. I found him lying dead which traumatises me to this day. Now my beloved Mum is in hospital slowly and painfully passing away from cancer. Im by her bedside as I write this. 
ive been really struggling with my mental health since my Mum was diagnosed in April last year and as trauma has happened my MH has worsened. I'm not going to say I've been an easy person to be around but I've been struggling to cope and my (now ex) bf hasn't been supportive. Then out of the blue yesterday he suddenly says he doesn't see us living together anymore (I'm currently in London to be close to the hdospital) he's at the house we used to live in together in Essex. This has totally floored me and I feel like I'm so alone and vulnerable. I didn't see this coming and thought he would be with me through thick and thin. He hasn't been supportive at all and I should probably have left the relationship myself earlier but I needed people around me. Now I feel so let down, everyone I get close to either dies or leaves me; feeling so hurt and alone now I am at my lowest point and it really hurts: I just want my mum back to tell me it's all ok

  • Hi Claire

    My heart goes out to you. What a horrible set of tragic circumstances. No wonder you're struggling, still grieving for your dad and now your mum. The boyfriend is not worth your time and energy just now, try to focus on the time you have left with your mum.

    The boyfriend situation is for another day.

    Your and your mum are in my thoughts x

  • Hi Maggie

    thanks for replying. I'm feeling really alone and upset and it helped to get your message. I really feel like everyone I love leaves me one way or another.

    thanks for your kind words

    claire x

  • I can understand why you feel that way with so much loss. It must be really hard for you right now. and the boyfriend seems to be a bit overwhelmed and stressed. Some men just can't cope when things get tough, better to know that now before you decide to invest any more of your time with him. You of all people know how short life can be, don't waste it on someone who does not deserve you x

  • Hi as you have already said you should have left him sooner, so really it's good riddens and forgot him, what would you be like in a few years if you got ill and needed support. 

    Hope you can get your life and loves sorted out and start afresh, but be careful who you choose to spend your life with their are plenty of good people out there who will stick with you through thick and thin.  Forever   .

    So sorry about your mother.  Hope you can concentrate more on your mother, be with her when you can just talk about anything and everything old times and new. 

    Take care try to be positive and sure. 



  • Hi Claire,

    So sorry to read about your Dad and nowe your Mum. I can understand because 2 weeks ago I was sat with my Mum every day and night in hospital hoping and praying she would pull through and right up to the last few hours of her life I still hoped for this, there is nothing worse than watching and being with the person you love most in the world and seeing them slip away from you. I still can't believe my Mum has gone forever and to be honest I am absolutely struggling to get through the day, I am lost, lonely and need my Mum.

    With regards your ex boyfriend, you knew in your heart he was not supporting you and he has proven this. Please don't concentrate on him now, be with and focus on your Mum. Your Mum is important and you need to process everything that you are going through with Mum.

    Take each hour as it comes, we are all here to support you anytime you need to talk, you are not alone.


  • I'm so sorry about the loss of your dad and now the illness with your mum. I can't begin to imagine the pain you are going through. Let's break what you've said in two 1. The loss of your parents 2. Your ex boyfriend 

    I lost my mum last March, she passed away from cancer and if I could have anything in the world right now, it's to have one more conversation with her, just so I could tell her how much I love her. So please cherish the moments you have with your mum, life is too short.

    In terms of your boyfriend, he really isn't even worth the post. If he can't be there for you when you need him the most, then there's no point even wasting your energy on him- easy said than done, but in the long run he'll just hurt you more. One day you'll meet someone who will climb mountains to be with you, who will love you through the good and bad- and that's the very least you deserve. 

    It's going to be okay - sending you love and prayers x