New diagnosis for my Dad. He has a large tumour on his pancreas. Trying to be positive about my conversations with him but know that prognosis is not good. Any help with those who’ve had experience of this welcome!
New diagnosis for my Dad. He has a large tumour on his pancreas. Trying to be positive about my conversations with him but know that prognosis is not good. Any help with those who’ve had experience of this welcome!
Hi JonK,
I am so sorry to hear your dad has recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and it can be a lonely place to be when you've had this kind of diagnosis and you may feel no one around you really understands what your dad is going through. This is why you have done the right thing in reaching out here - on Cancer Chat you will find others who have also been affected by pancreatic cancer, whether they have been diagnosed themselves or they also have a loved one who has been diagnosed. Do you know if a treatment plan has been decided for your dad yet?
I have had a little look around the forum for other threads posted recently which may be of interest to you and I remember for example welcoming Pete_wizard a couple of weeks ago - this member posted this pancreatic cancer thread , Sempa also posted their thread about their pancreatic cancer diagnosis last month and Sal59 whose mum was also diagnosed would also be a good person for you to connect with on this thread . Glenburnhouse 's husband was diagnosed with stage 1 pancreatic cancer as you can read on this thread . These are just a few examples and there are many more. Don't hesitate to respond to any relevant threads if you would like to do so and I hope other members of our community who have been affected by pancreatic cancer will read your post and respond. I hope you won't mind but I have changed the title of your thread so that it can be more easily spotted by others with experience of pancreatic cancer.
I will now let other members of our community come and say hello and share their story with you.
Best wishes to you and your dad,
Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator