Stage 1 pancreatic cancer

Husband just been diagnosed with Stage 1pancreatic cancer .

He recently had whipple surgery , biopsy results showed stage 1 cancer . We now going on a journey of 6 months chemotherapy. Looking for advice and support xx thanks x

  • Hello Glenburnhouse, 

    I am sorry to hear your husband has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and we have information on our website on stage 1 pancreatic cancer which you might find useful. I hope that he is recovering well from the Whipple surgery and that he isn't in too much pain. I can imagine you are both feeling a bit anxious as he is about to start chemotherapy and I thought I would share with you some information on chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer as well as our general page on chemotherapy

    I will now let other members of our community who have been affected by pancreatic cancer come and offer supportive words and advice based on their personal experiences. I noticed for example 's pancreatic cancer thread from a few months ago - this member's brother was also diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and was at the time recovering from the Whipple procedure and was at the time about to start chemotherapy treatment just like your husband. He is probably further along in treatment now so hopefully you can support one another during this challenging time.

    If you have any questions too at any point, don't hesitate to get in touch with our cancer nurses on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and they will be happy to answer any questions you might have. 

    Wishing your husband the best of luck with his recovery and his chemotherapy treatment. We're all here for you anytime you need to reach out to others who are or have been in a similar place.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator