My lovely Dad has a terminal brain tumor. We found out at Christmas and he had it out last Tuesday, although it will grow back.
He's a very practical, stoic man, so what he said surprised me when I went to visit him in hospital today.
He said: "I can see my death now. It's a torus shape. It's ahead of me." Gestured straight ahead. "Quite distant, still, but I can see it now. I'm not upset by it. I can just see it now."
A torus for anyone that doesn't know (and I didn't) is basically a 3D donut shape. The fact that he called it that was odd. I have NEVER heard him use that term before.
I just said okay. I'm glad it's distant still.
But I don't know what to do with that. It's REALLY gotten to me and I don't know why. I know he's terminal. But the fact he can see it.... I believe him completely. I don't know if he has told anyone else, and I don't want to say anything in case he hasn't and it's private information.
I don't know how to cope with it. It's really on mind. Anyone had anything similar?