Trying to cope

My husband has recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer. It's all come out of the blue and his journey to getting diagnosed has been incredibly difficult due to a number of reasons. It's left me feeling overwhelmed, angry and isolated as I try n keep it together for him. I feel like my mental health is suffering as I don't have an outlet for my emotions and so it's bleeding out in negative ways and we're having silly arguments. Can anyone help me in terms of how to help manage these feelings and what they've done that works for them. 

Any insights/advice is v much gratefully received. 

Thank you. 

  • Hi Louie1971 and welcome to the forum though sorry you have to be here and that your husband has cancer. What you are feeling is perfectly normal, a cancer diagnosis is an awful thing for all the family, especially in the beginning, the tests, diagnosis and waiting for treatment is difficult for us all. Though once treatment starts things won't feel so bad. My partner and i didn't argue, we went quiet, whether that is better than arguing i don't know, We used to go off and do things by ourselves, i would go and exercise to prepare for treatment, PS i have prostate cancer and getting as fit as you can will really help you through treatment. Anyway our couple of hours apart, time to blow off steam and think, was enough to put our issues behind us. If you would like to talk face to face with someone can i recommend Maggies, they are a charity for people with cancer and their families, just pop in no appointment needed, you can go alone or with hubby and talk to the cancer support specialists, to find your local one. take care.


  • Hi Louie1971 and welcome to the forum though sorry you have to be here and that your husband has cancer. What you are feeling is perfectly normal, a cancer diagnosis is an awful thing for all the family, especially in the beginning, the tests, diagnosis and waiting for treatment is difficult for us all. Though once treatment starts things won't feel so bad. My partner and i didn't argue, we went quiet, whether that is better than arguing i don't know, We used to go off and do things by ourselves, i would go and exercise to prepare for treatment, PS i have prostate cancer and getting as fit as you can will really help you through treatment. Anyway our couple of hours apart, time to blow off steam and think, was enough to put our issues behind us. If you would like to talk face to face with someone can i recommend Maggies, they are a charity for people with cancer and their families, just pop in no appointment needed, you can go alone or with hubby and talk to the cancer support specialists, to find your local one. take care.
