Hi everyone
Im 34 and very very close to my mum (she is 78 but looks and acts about 40!)
2 years ago my mum went from being a very independent and active lady to disabled overnight due to a near fatal infection in her hip replacement which has to be removed and she now has no hip joint at all.
fast forward a year to the day and we find out she has stage 3B cervical cancer
we were blown away and devastated.
I live with my mum and she has carers 4 times a day who are great
my mum is being so strong and positive which is amazing but some days I am so overwhelmed and devastated at the fact she will never get better.
she had 10 sessions of palliative radiotherapy to try and shrink the tumour and renounce symptoms such as bleeding etc.
she feels well in her self which is great but the doctor and oncologist advised they wouldn’t do any follow up scans to see how successful it was as they don’t want to subject her to further radiation
therefore I feel like I’m in no man’s land - not knowing how well it worked or how long I have my mum for
some days I feel so upset and scared as the idea of losing her is just incomprehensible
it would be great to hear some of your coping skills and/or similar experiences as I don’t know anyone in my friend group who has gone through this
holly xx