Hi, husband is having radical cystectomy with prostate removal and removal of lymph in area, in 2 days time. As everyone knows this is the point where we are having a few panic incidents , been doing well reassuring him, howeve he keeps coming back to the fact the nurse told him Friday he will be marked up for both bags in case. He has now got it into his head that because they use a bit of bowel for the stoma, that he will end up with both bags.
obviously I’m doing my best, however I can’t reassure him, that even if he does they can be reversed.
so my question is, firstly what is the percentage of cases that have to have both bags , secondly how many of these are reversed and after what time period and third question is how many are left permanently with 2 bags.
hope you can help, so I can show him and reassure him. Thanks for your time