Hello,my name is Andy my mum has had Lung cancer for 7 years,she has had immunotherapy which did stiop tumours growing they are quite large but several years ago she git Adrenal cancer,then several months ago she kept being admitted the hospital said she had Gastritus lost lots of weight and since has had a scan showing new spots now on her lungs and liver untreatable,they said it's a 1% chance of working..She hasn't eaten hardly anything fir 2 months,but when admitted over the last week brain scan cts tests on heart and bloods indicate nothing,they have told her the eating is nothing to do with the cancer CATEGORICALLY and she has now been sent home so weak my dad has to change her and do everything fir here..She's ttally confused and very angry,as absolutely no reasons given fir hr bringing up the food se eats,she has had the protein shakes nothing works..we are absolutely desperate as the hosital was titally useless just sent her home with no advice absolutely nothing,they even said come back if it doesn't imprive..She can barely walk two months ago she looked fine,why do they have no explaination,i presumed it was the cancer bit no mention of cachexia,she has also lost her eyesight and another thing they can't explain..Surely this cannot be right,she'll be lucky to live fir a week the condition she;s in we don't know what to do..She and my father are titally distressed,they haven't offered any feeding tube just said come back,this is extremely strange,she will literally starve to death and not from the cancer...Please could you give me some advice i'm so desperate fir my mother to get some sort of answr or advice..Many Thanks Andy F..