Stopping my treatment plan


I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer that had spread to the lymph nodes in December 2023, I went through 3 cycles of immunochemotherapy but my treatment became compromised due to sever anxiety. By this point I was cancer free so it was suggested I go for surgery then finished my preventative chemotherapy afterwards. I’m now at that point where I am due to receive it tomorrow, however the anxiety is overruling everything again and I’m considering not continuing with any of it. 

I have no pros or cons that I know of that help my decision. I don’t know what to do but I do know I am very scared and don’t want to waste time and money either. 

  • Hi Gen93

    I just wanted to let you know that the nurses wont be back online until tomorrow, if you were hoping to get advice from them.

    I am sorry that you are suffering from anxiety at the thought of starting treatment again.  Only you can decide if you want to go ahead with it.

    I thought twice about whether to reply to your post or not, I just wanted to make sure that you realise how aggressive triple negative breast cancer can be, I lost both my mum and my sister to that type, it unfortunately has a higher rate of re-occurance than some of the other types of breast cancer.

    I wont say anything else as it is not my place to try to change your mind, but I hope that whatever decision you make is right for you.

    My thought and prayers are with you.


  • Sorry, what i should have also said was that neither my mum or sister were offered immunotherapy, which I think has now been made part of the treatment package for this type, which has now made a difference with curing it.

    I really didnt want to scare you more!

  • Hi Annie, 

    Thank you for your reply’s, I appreciate it. I am aware that the cancer is an aggressive one, but I don’t know why when it comes to treatment I can’t do it, I have turned many treatments down due to sever panic attacks. I got diagnosed at the age of 30, having a 3 year old and a 10 year old. Yet I feel so vulnerable as a grown women. It’s so hard and I can’t get out of my own mind. I’m terrified about going for more treatment, but I’m also terrified about getting cancer again. I feel stuck with no end to any of it. I came on here as a last resort, I don’t know why maybe I was looking for positive similar experiences. I really don’t know what to do. The immunotherapy left me bedbound for 2 weeks at a time, it was really hard, I had allergic reactions to the chemos I was on also, so over the last 6 months everything’s built up and I just don’t want to do it anymore. I feel selfish for saying it but the mind is so powerful I can’t get out of the funk I’m in. 

    Gen x 

  • I am so sorry that you are going through this, it is understandable why you feel like this if the treatment has affected you so badly in the past.

    Its easy for everyone to tell you the sensible thing to do, but its you that are suffering from the side effects.  If you re-post your message under one of the general headings, you may get someone message you that has actually had this type of cancer that can help you, most people dont answer posts on 'ask the nurse' category (unless they are nurses of course!).

    I really hope that you find some way forward with this, 


  • In the midst of me crying replying to your comments thinking only about myself I forgot to say I am so very sorry about your mum and sister  truly heartbreaking. Apologises for not considering your feelings aswel as my own. 

    thank you for your kind words Annie xxxx

  • Oh Gen, dont be silly, I am not the one going through this, my feelings are fine.  I lost my sister 15 years ago and have come to terms with it, my mum died 18 months ago and I like to think that they are now together, that really does help the pain. 

    I really hope that you find strength today, to decide what to do.


  • Hello Gen 93 and thank you for posting,

    I am so sorry to learn of your situation and the anxiety that you are having at the moment, this must be a difficult and overwhelming time.

    As Annie mentioned in her reply, whilst it is a really difficult decision to make, only you can decide whether or not to go through with treatment. I appreciate your team at the hospital is aware of how anxious you are about treatment but I wondered if your GP knows what you are going through and if you were getting any support for your anxiety.

    You may be aware of this, some organisations may be able to give you helpful ways to manage this such as Anxiety UK who help support people who are living with anxiety, another helpful charity is MIND who also provide information and support.

    You would also be welcome to give the nurses on the helpline a call if you wanted to talk things through. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm Monday to Friday.

    As Annie has said it is worth posting in the other general posts as you may get more responses from people in a similar situation.

    Take care Gen, I wish you all the best,
