My advanced prostate cancer and prognosis

I had prostate cancer bilateral broke out of capsule, Gleason score 7 in 2017, then a metastasis in L3 spine in 2022  I am on hormone injections and Enzalutamide 

i understand that that this is advanced prostate cancer from a leaflet that I recently read at the UCLH Macmillan Hospital

i don’t know what stage my cancer is. The doctors have never told me and I have not thought to ask yet

i have become increasingly anxious that it is untreatable although radiotherapy cured them both cancers

is my outlook bleak

  • Hi Terry-M and welcome, though sorry to hear you have prostate cancer, I too have advanced prostate cancer 2 years now and like mine yours is definitely treatable and for some time yet, PS we are both stage 4 and I hope to have many years left, take care.


  • Hi Terry M and welcome to this forum. Sorry to hear of your diagnosis. As you’ve stated you have advanced prostate cancer which is unfortunately stage 4. I am the same. Although our cancer isn’t curable it is very treatable and there are a lot of treatments available to us. I was diagnosed April 2022 with a PSA of 53.3 and Gleason score of 4+5 (9). My cancer has spread to both of my hips, the inside joint of my left hip, my pelvis, chest bone, L4 & T9 in my spine and very recently been told it’s now spread to T10 too. I have monthly Firmagon injections, Zometa bone infusion every 8 weeks and I had chemo May 2022 through to September 2022. I have only very recently started to ask my Oncologist more about my cancer and to see my MRI & CT scans too. I know it can be very difficult at times and our thoughts sometimes are very bleak & dark, but as I’ve said there are lots of various treatments available to us & as Eddie has said we hope to have many more years ahead of us. 
    Take care, Dave

  • Hello TerryM and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear about your situation and can appreciate this is playing on your mind.

    I understand you have some questions but these really are best answered by your own specialist doctor. They have all the information about your cancer and will be able to give you a better idea about your situation.

    Everyone's cancer is different in it's type and stage (size and extent) but also in how aggressive it is ( fast growing) and how it responds to treatment. So even when some people have advanced cancer that has spread to another part of the body it can sometimes be kept under control for a long time. 

    As I say no one here can comment on what the future may look like for you in the short or longer term but do ask your own team about this, as they are likely to have a better idea from their experience of similar patients to you.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes,
