

I am due to start chemotherapy for breast cancer. 

Please could any share their experiences.  I'm a nervous wreck, unsure whether to carry on working etc... scared of the side effects etc.

Is the pain really bad?

Any experience would be much appreciated. 

Thank you 

  • Oh no, I'm so sorry the cold cap didn't work. 

    How much more chemo have you to get?

    Glad you have an appetite, you need fuel xx

  • I have 5 sessions left. Next one is on Monday. 

    Yes, I rather eat loads than having no appetite. 

    I started wearing my wig over the weekend and it's made me more confident xx

    How are you getting on?xx

  • Nothing is happening till at least June. I'm seeing the new oncologist at the start of May, and a phone appointment at the end of May with another one.

    I'm glad your wig is making you feel more confident, losing our hair is a major self esteem issue.

    I've bought loads of wigs, even though they Said they'd fit me for one. 

    I'm kinda hoping I get the "no appetite" I could do with losing weight! 

    5 sessions left, that's great soon be over with.

    I was told I'd have to have 3 a week for 3mths then another kind 3 a week for another 3mths

    Then 5 days of radiotherapy. 2025 isn't looking good for me, I will still be in treatment.

    Maybe this new oncologist will have a different take on the treatment

  • At first, I had a fear of going out but once I did, i was ok. Im upset about my hair but it is what it is. 

    Omg, that is alot of treatment. Yeh, wait until you see your Oncologist. Hopefully their take is different. If you are still in treatment next year,  just think that all this is to make you better.  This is all I keep saying to myself. 

    Every 4 weekly,  I have to have injections to suppress my ovaries alongside the hormone tablets, which should start in September x

    How are you feeling in yourself now?x

  • The chemo is to stop it coming back, they removed it all from my boob.

    I find the whole cancer thing so confusing. Chemo is a brutal way to cure cancer, but for it to be used as a preventative measure I find confusing, and if they removed all the cancer and chemo kills any stragglers, how is it possible that it can come back? I got told that 30% of people in my particular situation will either get a reoccurrence of/ or secondary cancer.

    I started the hormone treatment a few weeks after my diagnosis. The oncologist I saw said it was the best treatment for my breast cancer the chemotherapy and radiotherapy add an extra layer of protection.

    I just cant get my head  round chemotherapy as a preventative measure and 6mths of it the  radiotherapy. 

    When I asked that oncologist I saw first, she just kept saying. It's the standard treatment for the type I have. 

    I'm terrified of losing my hair, I've practically hid behind my hair all my life and I have major issues with how I look. I don't know if my mental health could cope with seeing me bald, I avoid mirrors as much as I can anyway but I'd need to look in one to put a wig on.

    The fact the cold cap didn't work for you, has just enforced that fear.  

    Now I don't know if its worth trying.

    How are you getting on with the wig? Are you wearing caps and scarves? I've bought a heap of wigs, mass panic buying even though I know they will supply one!

  • Did you go out with a wig on? Or just left it.

    I'm glad you got over that fear and you have a good way of looking at it all xx

  • Hello Crytchick and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your situation. I can understand how unsettling it can be not knowing what to expect. I am sure that when you start things will become much clearer.

    The doctors will do all they can to help prevent the cancer coming back with the treatment that you are having. It is difficult for me to comment on the statistics that you have been given without being involved in your care so do continue to ask them if this is causing you some concern.

    I can understand how difficult it can be thinking about losing your hair. There are so many good wigs and beautiful scarves. We do have some information on our website that has tips on hair loss that you might find helpful to look at.

    You may also find it helpful to look at some tips on how to prepare yourself for chemotherapy eating a well balanced diet, making sure that you are eating fruit and vegetables and drinking enough fluid.

    Have a look at the information on what to eat before and during treatment.

    If you would like to ring and talk through any of this with one of the nurses on the helpline then you are welcome to get back to us.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,


  • Yes, it's to prevent ot coming back.  I had clear margins from brwast and lymph nodes. 

    It is very confusing indeed. 

    Il be having hormone tablets too which will benefit me the most.

    I wear a hat at home which I bought from Amazon. 

    I have worn wigs out. At first,  I wasn't feeling the best about it all but afterwards I was ok.

    Cold cap only works for certain people. It just didn't work for me.

    I don't look in the mirror without a hat on etc. So I put my wig on first then look in the mirror to fix it

  • I have a extravasation on my hand from when the 1st chemotherapy.  So now I have damaged tissue abs unable to use my right hand,  which is my dominant hand.

    Hospital reviewed my hand on Monday when I went for my chemotherapy and I'm not happy. 

    I was listed from pillar to post and now I'm having sleepless nights in agony. 

    I'm going to ring my brwast care nurse for support and advice because no-one wants to take responsibility.