Nanibamp oh lovely you will feel better once a plan is in place. Your in the point of the process where you have enough information to be terrified but not enough just yet to move forward which is so so difficult. The only way I can describe how I was…
RedRuth84 Awe bless you hearing your little 5 year old was so happy instantly made me smile! Thank you lovely, at the moment its just me and my son as my husband is away with work but starting to plan a little day trip for after chemo but before radiotherapy…
TM1 RedRuth84
Hello lovelies!!!
Thank you, Il definitely check with the insurance. Ive got evidence of everything stored thank goodness its just such a shame as Id worked so hard for them. TM1 oh bless him, you’d think after giving 38 years of your…
Hi Ladies RedRuth84 Rambleon88 yes being away made such a difference I felt normal again but this weekend omg so lethargic and tired and I think I've got an infection, had a cold and for first time in a long time what I was blowing out my nose...yuk!…
RedRuth84 Glad your doing well on Tamoxifen! From what I can gather the hormone therapies arent easy drugs but still the majority get along with them fine its just a case of letting them settle. How are you feeling about the op lovely?
Its weirdly exciting…
TM1 oh lovely Im so glad you had a lovely get away, did you find the weather abroad helped with your pains at all? What tablet do they have you on? Same here Ive heard acupuncture can really help and it takes about 3 months for things to settle down.…
Hi hun, don't worry I've just jumped on to see how you all are. RedRuth84 Rambleon88 how is everyone? I'm like a stuck record but now suffering with aches in my hands/fingers, putting it down to the tablets or the steam coming off my keyboard at work…
RedRuth84 There is so much going around at the moment, how are you feeling now lovely? Woooooooo keep us posted on how you get on with your Picc line removal lovely!!! I feel like even though me and my picc got off to a rocky start its been unbelievably…
RedRuth84 The body pains are bloody remarkable arent they!! I said to my husband id sound a bit bananas if I raised it because if someone asked where Im getting pains it would be - feet, arms, hands, legs, jaw, shoulders, random head pains, back ache…
RedRuth84 Oh lovely thats amazing news with your markers and that you have completed chemo!!! YOU HIT THE FINISHING LINE!!!!!! Im over the moon for you as you’re on that home stretch now.
I hope your feeling a bit better, do you find the pegfilgrastim…
Hi Ladies RedRuth84 Rambleon88 hope you are both continuing to do well, just catching up on your threads. Sounds like you are finding that inner strength and that makes me happy to read about how you are. I'm still finding the tiredness difficult, get…
Oh bless your heart, I can relate so much! It was the very start of the school summer holidays for me though instead of Christmas. How old are your little ones?. It really can feel very all consuming but I totally agree with RedRuth84 , try and stay positive…
Sending lots of love and hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and boxing day!!
oh TM1 radiotherapy does sound like quite a beast in itself. I think people can underestimate the physical demand of it as much as the emotional…
RedRuth84 Rambleon88 morning lovelies...I'm so thankful for your support as well, certainly got me through some dark days that's for sure. Yes radiotherapy is exhausting, daily for 5 days, then it hits you, I'm still struggling with tiredness and aches…
Its been a lil while but thought Id hop on and see how you are all doing?
RedRuth84 TM1 hope your both okay ladies, sending lots of love and think of you both!
Well chemo and specifically this bloody EC stuff is no joke. I have infusion number 3 on…