We are conducting a funded research project to better understand the impact of COVID-19 and government restrictions on the physical activity and mental health of adults living with cancer and other long term conditions in the UK. The aim of the project is to assess the impact of physical distancing/self-isolation/shielding on physical activity behaviour and mental health.
We are launching an online survey aimed specifically at adults living with cancer and other long term conditions in the UK. The online survey comprises the following sections/questionnaires that measures: Sociodemographic data, such as gender, ethnicity, or educational level, long term condition (cancer and/or others) related information, physical activity related information, COVID-19 related information, well-being, overall quality of life, depression and anxiety during COVID-19 period, and types, intensity and duration of physical activity.
Based on our previous research experience, we estimate that the completion of the survey will take an average of 20 minutes per participant.
The link for the online survey is the following: forms.office.com/.../EUPZMf2wUM