FIT test results - please help

Hi there 

I am 44 and have just had a FIT test result back, apparently the level is 8, only when it's past 10 it is deemed urgent. The normal is apparently 0-5. My blood tests were fine. I suffer with IBS and have done for years. I also have early stages of divirticulitis too, this was diagnosed 8 years ago. I am so worried I have cancer. I am waiting for a referral to the hospital, I am unsure what their referral is for. Has anyone  else had a FIT test that came back postive? What was your results like and any outcome from a colonoscopy? 

thank you in advance


  • Hi Ben 

    I am so sorry you are going through this too, and at such a young age. Please keep us updated with your results. I hope all is well for you. 
    I have noticed blood on tissue for years and they just put it down to IBS and diverticulitis. Suffered with my tummy problems for 16 years now, when I was 28. I get bloating, gas which i struggle to get out, my stools are all over the place, can be normal one minute and loose 2 mins later. I can spend all day on the loo one day and then nothing the day after, but it's rare I don't go. Others days I can be rushing to the loo. I feel nauseous after I've had a flare up. Dizzy and lightheaded. But lately the pain in my back has been horrendous. I've had back pain for the last few months that never goes away. I've also had like a sharp stabbing pain to the point I fell to the ground and couldn't move. My husband had to carry me to the sofa.


    the anxiety of waiting is the worst. So I totally understand what you are going through. I cry most days. Trying to think postive like everyone keeps telling me to, but it's so hard. It's in my mind 24 7. 

    fingers crossed we all get the results soon, and it's good news. 
    Sheena x 

  • Hi stacylou33 

    don't think that you should have gone to your gp sooner as you said you have ibs so that could be normal for you. 
    i hope you get sorted out and everything is ok try not to worry about it I know easier said than done but people here will support you and the Macmillan help line is great too they helped me when I rang. 
    mans yeh horrible gps some of them I have just rang my doctor to pester them again about my results and they said there not back so I asked if I can contact the hospital or clinic where I had it done and she said she had to check the letters and it was there a few days ago but not been looked at by a gp so I have to ring in the morning for the results I'm super nervous now. 
    but hopefully it's nothing nasty. 
    thanks for the support and chats. 
    All the best

    ben x 

  • Hi, just wondering how you got on? I had another FIT test done and the result came out at 22 this time, 8 the first time. So I now have an urgent referral for the hospital. 
    I am so anxious and worried. Although the doctor I spoke to today said most people with colon cancer tend to be in the hundreds, so 22 is still not a major worry. That doesn't help me much. 
    I hope you have got some answers. 

  • Hi Sheena 

    I haven't had my results yet there was a mess up with the doctors they have my colonoscopy report which I have too but no biopsy results I had loads of trouble this past week so I have just give up now. 
    man's that score isn't too bad the threshold is 10 so 22 isn't that bad but I understand that your worried and anxious but just know you have support hopefully it's all good news for you 

    and you get some answers soon. 
    All the best 


  • Hi Ben, that's dreadful you are still waiting. Hoping you get answers soon. I know giving up feels like the only way, but please don't, keep chasing and calling. It's really not acceptable. 
    I have no idea if the scale / measurement of this FIT test, I was told over 10 was panic stations, but another doc told me not to worry. I have no idea what score is bad and when to worry now. So I'm just going with the flow. When they told me 22, I was shocked and so was my husband. I get blood all the time, visible, so it is a worry. Just trying to hold it together. 
    I have everything crossed for you. Take care of yourself 


  • If there is visible blood, then you would really expect the test to be positive as that is what it is testing for. Blood can be caused by many things, including very minor ones like hemorrhoids and more serious ones like IBD and polyps. All those things are probably more likely than cancer.

    An urgent referral does not mean they think cancer is likely. I think over 90% of those who are referred urgently do not have cancer. The doctor who said over 10 was cause for concern probably just meant that was the cut-off for an urgent referral or the point at which they have to consider cancer as one of the many possibilities, not that you should be panicking at that point.

    Obviously, I'm no expert and I am just saying what I've read on this forum, elsewhere online or heard from doctors, but I am pretty sure that just getting a positive FIT test in itself does not mean cancer is likely.

    I am just a few years younger than you and the doctor told me that at our age, cancer is still very unlikely. Now, I did not have a positive result but I did have visible blood and at that point, he did not even know my result and said it was very likely to be positive, given that there was visible blood and I shouldn't worry about that.

  • Thank you for helping me to be a little more positive. I guess it doesn't help when you have people in your family with cancer and lost loved ones from it. And know if people much younger than us who have bowel cancer. Especially when you have suffered for years, with symptoms pointing that way, thinking it can't be nothing serious being in so much pain on a daily basis. But you are right, it could be so many other things causing it and that's what I'm praying for right now.  

    thank you for your message, much appreciated 


  • Hi Sheena 

    how are you doing. 
    man's thank you for your message I understand what your saying but I don't have the fight in me anymore I have been messed around so much they don't realise that it's affecting me. 
    hope your well 


  • Hi hun hope all is well I was wondering how the colonoscopy went and if they found the problem after xx

  • Hi ya. Thanks for thinking of me. They removed a lot of polyps but thankfully none were cancerous. I have to go back in 3 years to have another one done. But tbh it hasn't really solved by problems I've been having. Just something I have to deal with I guess. I hope you are ok? X