FIT test results - please help

Hi there 

I am 44 and have just had a FIT test result back, apparently the level is 8, only when it's past 10 it is deemed urgent. The normal is apparently 0-5. My blood tests were fine. I suffer with IBS and have done for years. I also have early stages of divirticulitis too, this was diagnosed 8 years ago. I am so worried I have cancer. I am waiting for a referral to the hospital, I am unsure what their referral is for. Has anyone  else had a FIT test that came back postive? What was your results like and any outcome from a colonoscopy? 

thank you in advance


  • Hi 

    I had a fit test done it was >400 I was referred to the hospital under the 2 week wait pathway I had a colonoscopy and they took 10 biopsy's. they may do the same thing for you. 
    hope you get sorted soon and everything is good news. 

  • Thank you for your reply. I'm not sure how they score it and if 8 is bad considering over 10 is panic stations according to a doctor I spoke to today. He didn't tell me if I should worry or not to worry. I am hoping my doctor who I am speaking with Friday will have more information for me. I really am hoping they get me in ASAP for a colonoscopy, the worrying is making me ill. I had a sigmoidoscopy in 2019 and a colonoscopy done about 8 years ago. Both were clear then. Not sure how quickly tumours can develop ‍♀️ I am trying not to cry all the time, I am so worried I have cancer and will leave my kids behind, it's my worst fear. My little girl is only 5, she is my youngest. It's breaking me just thinking about it 

  • I feel for you it's a horrible feeling I feel the same my doctors are useless if I'm honest but hopefully they will get you sorted out ASAP and everything's good and I don't know about tumours and how quick they grow the Nhs website is good for fit results it says anything more than 10 is positive but it dosnt mean cancer immediately yes it's a possibility but there is loads of other reasons there's blood in your poo could be ibd ibs and a few more. They normally get it done within 2 weeks it's the waiting after that's horrible your left in limbo till you have a answer but hopefully your all good and it's not cancer try to think positive I know easier said than done I'm the same worried out of my mind but fingers crossed for you lovely 

  • Thank you. I will take a look at the NHS page get the grading. I didn't see that part. I knew the answer wasn't going to be everything is fine, or they wouldn't have wanted to speak to me. Not really sure what I expected. I guess I was hoping for a bacterial infection or something.

    I hope you get sorted and all is well for you I appreciate your messages. 

    take care of yourself 


  • I thought under 10 was a negative/normal result? And meant that cancer was very unlikely?

  • I have no idea. He said 0-5 was normal. 8 is still a positive test. I am speaking with another do it on Friday, I am hoping she will be more informative

  • Hi sheen2326 

    From what I was told by my gp if it's <10 it's negative and over 10 is positive there are a few websites to look on and might give you some good ideas to ask your doctor on Friday I put in google fit test results uk coz they do have American ones that are not relevant but I think the best thing you can do is write down all your questions and take it with you to your appointment tell the doctor how you feel and you want clear answers you can take someone with you or ask for a chaperone to be there when your talking with the doctor. 
    I hope you get sorted out and try to keep thinking positive it's not all doom and gloom but I completely understand how your feeling I feel the same way but I try my best not to let it get me down I say to myself it is what it is I can't change it all I can do is work towards a better future with as much positivity as I can. 
    as I say hope you get sorted ASAP and it's nothing to worry about. 
    All the best 



  • Hi, hope your well, if you don't mind me asking how did you get on and what symptoms did you have? My FIT has also come back 400 and I have a colonoscopy booked for Saturday. 

  • Hi I'm getting there just worried thank you. And I have been suffering with lower abdominal pain for around 2/3 years and I have been to my gp and a&e countless times they thought it was my appendix then it was ibs they tryed all the ibs medication and diet plans but nothing relieved my symptoms then they jumped back on the appendix saying it's probably a grumbling appendix that went on for a year or so in and out of hospital with the symptoms of appendicitis but no temp or elivated white blood cell count. It was a farse . 
    but about 3/4 months ago I noticed a change in my bowel habits from quite loose to normal and going more frequently I can go 6-7 times a day I noticed a few streaks of blood when I went to the toilet so I saw my doctor they thought it was caused by constipation and they said it's normal when I told them I don't suffer with constipation they said it's ibs I told them that I have been tested for ibs and I don't have it I tryed meds and diet plans but still had the symptoms a couple of days later I started bleeding quite a bit and I went back to my gp a few days later they again said it could be ibs (not looking at my medical records at all) they asked me what I think it is (after I told them it's not ibs again) I mentioned bowel cancer and they shot me down immediately they told me I'm far too young(I'm 27)  to have cancer and if it was cancer I'd be very ill I argued back about all my symptoms (lower abdominal pain, bloating lack of appetite tiredness change of bowel habits blood in stool bleeding with no stool lightheaded and dizziness) and my grandma has terminal cancer and has had it over 2 years now and she look like me and you she didn't say anything she just gave me some painkillers and told me to go to a&e if I'm in lots of pain or bleeding too much or going dizzy and lightheaded  i told her that I was dizzy and lightheaded she told me to go home and if I still feel dizzy to ring 999 or go to hospital I was baffled so I rang again in the morning and I told the doctor how I was made to feel and I felt like I wasn't listened to ect I told him I want a fit test and he told me to pick one up that day and send it off I did after some messing around as the test that my gp gave me was out of date but I got a new one and did it it took about a week to come back and I was told by the receptionist that it was positive I was shocked I saw a doctor again horrible as I said what's the next steps and she said wait for the hospital to ring you and I said what happens now do I have more tests ect she didn't know apparently I said can you tell me who can help me she said google it the next day I went back saw a lovely doctor I was that frustrated and upset I started crying she told me that yes the fit test came back positive but it's not all doom and gloom she told me that the hospital would call me ASAP and arrange a colonoscopy ASAP just to see what's going off she said yes it could well be cancer but it could be other things as well she asked if I had bloods done as I was still loosing blood I hadn't at that point she wasn't happy she told me to go to my local hospital and have them done that day she rang me the next day and said my iron levels were low and needed iron tablets. 
    I had my colonoscopy on the 9th October about a week after I last went to the gp they took 10 biopsy's just waiting for the results now that's the scariest part of this ordeal. 
    I hope that your colonoscopy is all good and they don't find anything nasty. I have to say I have never had a colonoscopy before but I couldn't be more greatful to the staff at the clinic I had sedation but when they started they were pumping air into my bowel I was in a bit of pain and they roped my pain relief up immediately and I was pain free throughout. The stuff that you have to drink is absolutely disgusting I tryed mixing it with orange juice but it didn't make much difference if I'm honest but it worked I used a straw and took mouthfuls every 2-3 mins till it was gone. 
    ps sorry for the long reply good for bedtime reading though  

    as I say I hope everything is ok with you all the best 


  • Morning, thank you for your reply. Wow do you really went through it and nobody listened? That's the thing with all this it gets put to IBS I'm 37 and told too young for cancer but you are never too young! 
    I hope your not waiting to long for your results. Fingers crossed all is well for you. 
    I have had ibs since I was about 20 I have been sufferering with severe constipation for ages and just put it down to ibs. Iv been anaemic for yrs and the Drs always tell me it's my periods. Iv been having mucus for ages and again I just put it to IBS. I had a fit test by chance because my ovary was enlarged and I was so bloated she asked how my toilet habbits where. If she hadnt I would have probably just carried on thinking it was IBS. It was only the other day it dawned on me how dark my stools had been when not taking iron  (obviously blood) I struggle to break wind and my stomach has been making the loudest noises for months. I'm booked in Saturday though so fingers crossed! Like you the dr said it could be many things.

    sounds like you have dealt with some really rude GPs! It's awful but so glad your sorted and I really hope all is well for you. Good luck x