Worried about having sinus cancer.

Hello everyone, hope you're all doing well. I've just joined this forum because recently i've been worried about my current symptoms. I'm a 21 year old male and for about two - three years, i've suffered with constant post nasal drip and now an again a blocked nose. The reason that i'm worried is because it doesn't seem to be getting better at all.

The doctors have prescribed me with multiple nasal sprays and antibiotics but they don't seem to help unfortunately. I've had a call back with a doctor today and was prescribed another nasal spray called dymista. I've tried my best not to search anything up but it's hard when you're worried.

If anyone could have any idea what this could be? or if i should even be worrying at all, i would realy appreciate it.

Thanks :)

  • Hi

    Sorry to hear you've been experiencing symptoms which you are concerned about.

    Im sure given your age its nothing to worry about.

    Please try not to worry x


  • Hi JellyBean9

    I've been suffering from sinus problems since I was about 21. And that's over 40 years.

    The real issue with sinus problems is that very little actually works!  Over the last 40 years I've had surgery, numerous different decongestants, antibiotics, steroids, decongestant sprays, sodium chromate nose sprays, various forms of steroid nose sprays, any number of herbal oils and drops, and many more that I've forgotten.  And none of them have ever done much good. 

    In fact, the medical profession have given up with sinus problems because they're just too darn difficult.  You can't even get an appointment with an ENT consultant now - because there is nothing they can do about it.

    You're in the same boat as every other sinusitis patient - you've tried everything and nothing works!  That's the nature of sinusitis, but at 21 it's very very unlikely to be anything sinister.

    If the new spray works for you, that's great.  Simple beconase works best for me - which is to say that it's actually barely adequate, but there's nothing better.  In addition, you might try NeilMed sinus rinses. You have to do them twice a day and they might make things better, or they might not.  I find them somewhat helpful.  I also suggest you try different herbal oils which you can put with deionised water in a facial sauna.  The one that worked best for me was called Karvol, but that was taken off the market years ago for no known reason. 

    One day medical science will find an answer, but your guess is as good as mine whether it will be before or after we establish a permanent colony on Mars! 



  • Hi there,

    I am currently in your position. Post nasal drip for 3 months now and a constant blocked nose on one side. Very frustrating. Do you still suffer with both of these or did you manage to get treatment in the end?

  • Hi, hope you're doing well. After suffering for four years with this, I was prescribed antihistamines and a nasal spray from the doctures. When used together everyday it definitely helps to reduce eveything. I still suffer from post nasal drip and congestion, but have come to the conclusion it's nothing to worry about.

    Hope you feel better soon,

    good luck.


  • Hi there, I'm wondering how you got on with your symptoms?. I've been searching the forum for any sino nasal cancer info. I had similar symptoms to you and required surgery and am now getting radiotherapy. Its hard to find anyone else who has had this cancer.