Positive FIT test. Terrified!

I was invited to the National Bowel Screening Unit to do a FIT test which has come back positive.  I have no symptoms (or at least I didn't but my stupid mind is making me think I have loads!).  I do get tiny amount of bleeding due to anal fissures which I have had for years.    I also had a lot of diarrohea recently, which has cleared up now.  I do drink too much wine since lockdown as on furlough so  that may caused it?  Anyway, I have convinced myself that I have cancer and am dreading the colonoscopy.  I am a control freak and can't stand the thought of sedation!  Any wise words of comfort?

  • Hello toothfairy675

    I'm sorry to hear that your recent bowel screening results came back with a raised FIT test result. It's understandable that you're feeling anxious about this but there could be many reasons for this result. 

    The good news is that the team is following up on the results with some investigations. Hopefully, you won't have to wait too long and they will be able to give you some reassurance very soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • From my own recent experience, I do think a lot of bowel symptoms are fairly common. I had a clear colonoscopy three weeks ago but spent so long aware of my bowel habits that I am still noticing "I had loose stools last Monday and went to the loo more frequently than usual on Saturday and had a slight pain somewhere some other day and possibly had a bit of constipation this morning..." My brother pointed out to me while I was waiting that any symptoms you only noticed after you were told you needed a colonoscopy probably aren't that significant.

    I really didn't find the sedation noticeable at all. I felt wide awake and was talking to the team doing the colonoscopy. I also didn't sleep afterwards when you are supposed to. I did find afterwards that I had missing parts in my memory - weird missing parts like I'd remember one sentence somebody said but not the one before it or something. But at the time, I had no sense whatsoever of being sedated.

  • Your brother is a wise man!  Since finding that I had an abnormal test, I have had all manner of aches, pains, bloating.  I am becoming obsessed with going to the toilet and what I might find!  I have always had IBS for years, so loose stools is the norm for me.  Now, I have convinced myself that I have a huge tumour lurking somewhere.  Still not sure about sedation but will take it if they say I should.