Throat cancer

Hi , I have recently found out that I have an aggressive cancer and about to start radiotherapy and two doses of chemo I'm stage 4 and  absolutely scared due to having  problems now With swallowing im nil by mouth and now have a feeding tube my fear is how the treat will affect my throat as I can just about swallow or gulp I can't burp where the cancer is pushing against my windpipe so will the radiotherapy make it worse  I'll appreciate and replies to help my anxious moments regards maz

  • Hello maz1954

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently been diagnosed with throat cancer. Obviously, it's a difficult time for you and it's understandable that you're feeling worried and anxious about the treatment. 

    We've quite a number of members here on the forum who have been through treatment for throat/oral cancers and I'd encourage you to post on this thread where I'm sure you'll be able to connect with some of them. I'd also suggest having a look through the thread for posts by [@Anchor1707]‍ and [@RadioactiveRaz]‍ . Both these members have shared links to personal blogs that they wrote during their treatment and I know many other people have found these to be useful sources of information with some top tips for coping. 

    If you'd like to chat with one of our nurses about your concerns you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm. I'm sure they will be happy to offer any information and advice that they can. 

    Keep in touch Maz1954 and let us know how you're doing. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi sorry you've found yourself here I am3 years post radiotherapy for tonsil cancer with several affected lymph nodes. I too had a feeding tube nasal one from week 3 for 6 weeks it was a lifesaver. Have you been offered a peg which is a stomach feeding tube ? The treatment is hard purely because it's our mouth and throat. I do kniw one person who had a tracheotomy to help with breathing during treatment. My blog is 
    hope you get some tips from it any questions please ask. 

  • Hi Maz

    Am sorry to hear of your circumstances and wish you well in your treatment.

    I too have posted a link to my blog and hopefully will give you some insight into impact of radiotherpy that I had.
    We are all different but I outlined my expeience from the get go and wanted to share with others,

    Happy to help anyway I can and answer any questions I can.


  • Are you still around? If so, how are things?