Ovarian cyst & weight gain

I have an ovarian cyst which will be removed surgically in a few weeks time. I'm struggling to lose weight and I can't help feeling that it's because of the ovarian cyst. I stepped on the weighing scales yesterday and had lost a little bit over 1.5lbs. I then stepped on the weighing scales this morning and gained 1lb back. I've no idea how as I walked 10 miles yesterday and ate healthily. I feel like my metabolism is totally messed up and that I'll never lose weight. It's really getting me down- my body image is at all an time low. I'm very self conscious about the abdominal bloating associated with the ovarian cyst and just feel fat & unattractive all the time.

There's a small chance the cyst could be cancerous-a biopsy will have to be done. It's unlikely as the cyst is a dermoid ovarian cyst and they're usually benign. But it's very large (10cm) so that could indicate a malignant tumour. Ovarian cysts under 5cm are almost always benign so the size of the ovarian cyst is worrying me. 

Can anyone else relate? I feel so alone with this..nobody really understands what it's like. 

  • Hi Sugarsnap3,

    I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties you're experiencing. Hopefully these issues will ease before too long - it sounds like you will find out more in a few weeks' time and I hope that from this point you'll be able to move forward.

    In the meantime, if anyone here has similar experience to share then hopefully they'll be along soon.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hey, so I'm not a doctor, but I've had similar ovarian issues for a very long time, so maybe I can offer a little perspective.

    10 cm is pretty big, my biggest one was between 11-12.  But it wasn't cancer.  My CA125 was also really high and I had horrible bloating - in hindsight, bloating is probably to be expected when you've got something that size in you!  As for the weight, our weight fluctuates normally over the course of a day or week; and changes under five pounds are probably just that.  Weight gain could be a side effect of an ovarian cyst, but it's not something you can really track day to day; weigh yourself weekly and look for a pattern.  

  • Oh thanks for getting back to me. I'm hoping I'll lose weight once the cyst is removed but what if I don't? I'm very anxious about it especially as I won't be able to exercise after surgery. I went clothes shopping yesterday and everything looked horrible on me and I ended up crying at home afterwards. I could only get two tops that looked nice on me. I've put on 2lbs from yesterday- probably due to constipation. Have you experienced any digestive issues? My GP thinks I have IBS. 

  • Thanks, I'm just so stressed out. Its really depressing me as I can't wear what I'd like and I just feel so helpless. 

  • Hi,

    I had these problems too. Took me years to get a diagnosis of PCOS and then to be honest there isn't much medical help just the "lose weight helps" mantra but the understanding that fluctuations in hormones actually make it harder for you to lose weight. 
    there are lots of forums out there for advice on eating with pcos to lose weight and it's really dependent on what hormones you have to few or much of. For me it was following a vegan low gi diet with no processed foods at all that worked. Extreme as it sounds the weight just fell away and after years of every diet and exercise regime imaginable it was that easy. The key is to understand what hormone imbalance you have that's causing the cysts and build your own sensible diet around that. Prior to being diagnosed with breast cancer I had lost 3 stone just from finally listening to my body and I'm telling you I was constantly eating really fresh yummy stuff. 
    don't despair have your cyst removed then make a plan to treat your body with care you will feel better if you have some control back instead of waiting for doctors to give it to you. 
    hope that helps. 

  • I've asked my GP for a referral to a gastroenterologist to see if it's IBS but he's refused until I get the cyst removed. It's ridiculous. I've been told 'deal with one issue at a time'. I have constipation which is stopping my weight loss. I'm so depressed, I'm finding it hard to get out of bed with it. 

  • Just ask for a different GP. You have a right to change to another doctor and when they ask why explain you don't think you are being heard. 

    don't give up and don't let it get you down. 

  • Thanks, I've already had to change doctor over the ovarian cyst because the first doctor wasn't taking my abdominal bloating seriously. My current doctor is an improvement on the previous one but still rather dismissive- not patient centred. Have you found that with your doctors? Kind of a paternalistic, 'doctor knows best' attitude as opposed to collaborative. If there's still no improvement, I will definitely get another doctor's opinion.

    The digestive issues are so stressful and then stress can adversely affect your digestion as well. I've been dealing with these digestive issues for literally a year. It's far too long and my health needs have been neglected because of covid19, I feel. My GP is still only doing phone appointments even though everyone in his surgery has been fully vaccinated.

    I went to a dietitian, used her recommendations for the bloating and constipation but it keeps flaring up so I'm not sure if it's IBS or the ovarian cyst.

    If it is IBS, I want more specialised support from a different dietitian..I'm wondering whether I'll have to go on a low fodmap diet which eliminates things temporarily that irritate your gut so it's quite restrictive and has to be done under the supervision of a dietitian.

    Thanks for being supportive and understanding :)

  • Hi Sugarsnap - I have a dermoid cyst as well and am waiting to have surgery to remove it.  I thought that I had IBS, but it seems my digestive problems and abdominal discomfort was caused by this large cyst - about 11cm.  Yes, I've gained weight and can't  lose it.  I look pregnant.  Most of my jackets don't close on me anymore!  It doesn't really bother me though, especially now that I feel the cyst is to blame.  

    Try not to worry about your weight right now.  Just maintain a healthy diet and take some exercise, not in order to lose weight, but to keep yourself strong and well.  Be kind to yourself. 

    I hope all goes well for you. xx

  • Hi,

    i too have ovarian cysts that are going to be surgically removed, however my biggest one is 5cm.

    I too am really really struggling with my weight and it really gets me down. I feel horrible. I wonder if having the cysts removed will help?

