Ovarian cyst & weight gain

I have an ovarian cyst which will be removed surgically in a few weeks time. I'm struggling to lose weight and I can't help feeling that it's because of the ovarian cyst. I stepped on the weighing scales yesterday and had lost a little bit over 1.5lbs. I then stepped on the weighing scales this morning and gained 1lb back. I've no idea how as I walked 10 miles yesterday and ate healthily. I feel like my metabolism is totally messed up and that I'll never lose weight. It's really getting me down- my body image is at all an time low. I'm very self conscious about the abdominal bloating associated with the ovarian cyst and just feel fat & unattractive all the time.

There's a small chance the cyst could be cancerous-a biopsy will have to be done. It's unlikely as the cyst is a dermoid ovarian cyst and they're usually benign. But it's very large (10cm) so that could indicate a malignant tumour. Ovarian cysts under 5cm are almost always benign so the size of the ovarian cyst is worrying me. 

Can anyone else relate? I feel so alone with this..nobody really understands what it's like. 

  • Hi

     Hope you are doing well.

    have you received any updates. Have you had your surgery yet?

    I am also in a similar situation. My GP has sent a referral to gynaecologist. I have been told they will do further test to check if it's a cancerous cyst but my GP did say it could be. I am really stressed out.

    Hope you are better 


  • Hello, 


    I know this post was a little while ago I just wanted to say I hope your results came back ok and see if there was any update? X

  • Hello

    I came across your post when searching the weight of a cyst but can't find any update, so would be great to know how your surgery went?

    Obvs too late now but it makes perfect sense to me that having something that size in amongst all your delicate workings will adversely affect everything, from bladder to bowel as be pressing on them and of course the size of your stomach/abdominal bloating.

    I hope you see this and let us know how it went, how you're feeling now and without knowing what your weight was originally before and during the cyst invading your body, how your stomach and weight was and is after the surgery?


  • Hey TiggersBounce, welcome to the forum.

    I just wanted to stop by as I noticed you were hoping to find out how Sugarsnap3's surgery went.

    Unfortunately they haven't been back on the forum since October 2021 so you may not get an update.

    I really hope that won't be the case but if you don't receive a reply you could try reaching out to others on more recent disussions you find about this topic, or you can start your own. You can find out how just here.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator