I have this mole on the inside of my toe. It's very small and round. Seems all one colour. I have shown it to my doctor already and he said it looks normal, but it's only just dawned on me that my feet are never exposed to the sun. I hate my feet so I never get them out! Ever!... which is why I don't know if it's been there my entire life and I've just not noticed it, or it's only been there the last couple of years. so now I'm scared that's it's going to be cancer or something.. im 26 and I have extreme anxiety and health anxiety. So i over panic about these times of things. just wanted to know if there's any one else out there with moles on their feet who also never expose them to the sun Snd if everything had turned out to be normal. I have got another appointment with my doctor but not until next week. Just need some reassurance. :)