I'm not sure if this is even allowed as I thankfully have not been diagnosed with cancer. I also don't want to seem as though I am comparing my experience with those who have or are currently battling, I would just hopefully like some advice and I am in awe of all of those who have battled or are still battling cancer.
I am 24 and I had my first smear test recently, I got the results back last week and received a call from the hospital who made me an urgent appointment for colposcopy and possible treatment. They ended up removing a large amount of cells on the day via LLETZ. It has now been sent off for a biopsy and the next steps.
Since LLETZ, I have been so so tired. My legs ache, my lower back aches so much, unlike anything before. It is worse than when I had my periods. I was just wondering if anyone is in the same position - I feel absolutely wiped out. I am sore, my back aches like it has been carrying stupid amounts and I feel tired, so tired that I get lightheaded sometimes. This was 5 days ago - please could someone advise me if this is normal? I live by myself and don't know anyone who has been through the same thing. I also dont know why I feel like this if the abnormal cells have been removed?
Again, I am sorry if this post is not allowed. Just looking for some advice.
Thank you and best wishes to all, Lucy x