
I'm not sure if this is even allowed as I thankfully have not been diagnosed with cancer. I also don't want to seem as though I am comparing my experience with those who have or are currently battling, I would just hopefully like some advice and I am in awe of all of those who have battled or are still battling cancer. 

I am 24 and I had my first smear test recently, I got the results back last week and received a call from the hospital who made me an urgent appointment for colposcopy and possible treatment. They ended up removing a large amount of cells on the day via LLETZ. It has now been sent off for a biopsy and the next steps. 

Since LLETZ, I have been so so tired. My legs ache, my lower back aches so much, unlike anything before. It is worse than when I had my periods. I was just wondering if anyone is in the same position - I feel absolutely wiped out. I am sore, my back aches like it has been carrying stupid amounts and I feel tired, so tired that I get lightheaded sometimes. This was 5 days ago - please could someone advise me if this is normal? I live by myself and don't know anyone who has been through the same thing. I also dont know why I feel like this if the abnormal cells have been removed?

Again, I am sorry if this post is not allowed. Just looking for some advice.

Thank you and best wishes to all, Lucy x

  • Hi lucy, 2 of my friends have had the same procedure as you have as they had hpv and this caused the cells to change on the cervix, they had the cells removed. I remember them being in a lot of pain and in discomfort. The pain you are feeling is normal and it well get better. Take some painkillers and if your symptoms worsens then contact your GP as you may need antibiotics as both of my friends got an infection due to the procedure and needed antibiotics, I'm not saying this is the case for you but if you get a temperature and the pain is unbearable then please get medical advice. It can take couple of weeks to heal. Please feel free to ask me any questions.

    Stay positive hun, everything will be ok, its a good job you went for your cervical smear test.

  • Hi Rehana, 

    Thank you so so much for your reply. If the pain gets any worse or if I get a temperature I will be calling my GP ASAP. 
    I know, I'm so glad I went for my smear. I have been advising every girl / woman I know to book in for theirs ASAP.

    Thank you again, I will contact you if I have any other questions if that's okay.

    Lucy x

  • Hi Lucy! I know this was posted years ago now, but I'm 34 just had my first LLETZ procedure for CIN3 & HPV and I wondered how you got on after this? I'm feeling the exact same and wondering if it's normal etc... I've joined a few groups but no one seems to have the fatigue and back pain like I am suggesting. I'm also suffering with palpitations and it's taking an emotional toll. Any advise would be greatly appreciated xxx

  • Hi burgessmummy,I had my lletz done on Tuesday this week after finding out on the Friday that I had CIN3 too.I too am suffering with severe back pain and also the fatigue so you’re  not alone xx

  • Hi! I’m 5 weeks post Colposcopy/LLETZ/biopsy. I can only tell you my experience. I bled heavily for 2 weeks along with tiredness. I didn’t suffer with any back ache as such, no more than usual aches and pains like you get with a period. I went lightheaded quite often. I slowed down bleeding for a further 2 weeks and spotted. I now am probably 99% back to normal at the 5 week mark. Although I have had the results back which I need further investigation but that’s for another post. 
    I know you are more likely to get an infection so keep an eye on your symptoms - fever/pains/excessive bleeding etc. maybe ring the GP if it doesn’t ease in the next couple of days. Keep well x

  • Thank you for replying.Ive been fortunate in that I’ve not bled at all,just a weird smell and a browny watery discharge.Im wondering if it may be an infection?I have no fever either.
    Wishing you well too xx

  • Hi liz,

    I had my procedure done just under 3 weeks ago, i read up on it and you will get a kind of metallic smell which i am getting myself! Just keep an eye on yourself for any changes and a temperature!! hope all is well for yourself now? Unfortunately for myself my results came back uneventful and have been sent of for further testing which can take upto 4 weeks... not feeling positive in myself right now but hope all is good fot you? X

  • I know this post was a long time ago now, but Ive seen others have replied more recently. I had the same procedure on 23rd December 2024 and feel exactly the same. I have no energy, tired, feeling faint and lower back pain. I spent the first 4 days very heavily bleeding but it slowed down after and is on off now. I went to the hospital on Thursday and I have an infection, so I’m on antibiotics now. Still got severe back pain and I also have low blood pressure since which explains feeling faint. Hoping once I’ve taken the majority of these antibiotics I will feel back to myself. As unable to do even too much housework or I feel funny and keep sweating. It’s reassuring to hear others experience so thought I should reply.x