Bleeding from vagina after a bowel movement!

Hi all. I am looking for advice as I am freaking out. Quick background - 30 year old female, mother of 2. (Youngest is 2 years old) both delivered by emergency c section. No previous medical conditions. I last had a smear test done in January 2020 and result came back normal. For the last 6 months or so my periods have been Irregular and most recently I have been spotting a lot in between periods. I have also discovered the connection that every time I have a bowel movement I bleed from my vagina!! I can't find any other explanation for this other than cervical cancer! Anyone experienced this?? TIA! 

  • Hi all,

    28 y/o having the same issue since June of this year.

    Went for a smear test, all fine. Bloods came back fine. No sign of a polyp.

    October seemed fine, no spotting. But now it's back again. Typically the week before my period during bowel movements, but I'm tracking using the Clue app.

    Trying to psych myself up to call the doctors. My doctor has been lovely, not sure why I'm feeling so anxious. I'm just fretting about it a lot and whilst I've tried to talk to people close to me, it doesn't alleviate my stress.

    I did think that might be the cause as my gums were bleeding too, and apparently both could be signs of stress. That's partly why I put off speaking to the doctor, thinking it would pass with time.

    But it's been 6 months or so now, with just the one month of nothing.

    Will call the doctors again when I can and update.

  • Hello, i know this post is quite old but I’m struggling to find any info about it. Wondered what the outcome was? I’m also bleeding after bowel movement and wondering what it could be down too. Had swabs taken on Friday so waiting results but the mind loves to worry. 

    thank you 

  • Hi I've came across this post and I've had the same with bleeding with bowel movements for about 2 months. I've had a hysteroscopy but everything came bk fine then I had my smear test which took 5 months to come back to say I have high risk of hvp virus and cells have changed on my cervix and there was cells of endometriosis too. I have a Colonoscopy on Thursday and I'm so scared!! My mum and sister have had precancerous cell removered before and my mum died of breast cancer. Reading this makes me feel a bit better knowing I'm no the only one that's had this worry x
  • Hi Murraymints40. Just reading your post as I have been in a similar boat. Heavy periods for a year and since April constant spotting. Not sure if bowl movements / sex cause it because it’s constant now. I had a clear smear in Nov 22, clear bloods last June and a clear ultrasound in feb this year. I had a colposcopy last week and they took a biopsy as there were visible cell changes on my cervix. Absolutely terrified as I’ve never missed a smear and never had anything show up now facing the idea of further treatment. Just sending positive thoughts to you as you wait your appointment…

  • Thank you. It''s horrible the wait. I'm sending u positive thoughts too! I've never missed a smear either always been good with that. Did u have the hvp virus as that's what came back on my smear? 

  • No I had nothing show on my smear at all it came back clear. So I was really alarmed when the GP said she could see “redness” on my cervix. The colposcopy clinic didn’t mention ectropion but took a biopsy of the “cells” and told me to wait for the results. The waiting is crippling, I have diagnosed myself with all sorts. I can’t see how I can have had a clear smear 7 months ago and now have all these issues. My GP put the fear of god into me when she told me abnormal cells take 5 years to develop into cancer, me previous smear was 2018 then I had to wait until November 22 due to the covid backlog. She said smears aren’t 100% all the time so if my November 22 smear missed something then we are 5 years on from my previous clear test….

  • Hello, ah the waiting is the worst part. When I had a swab the nurse noted it looked like I had ectropion cervix too and then the doctor said that can be normal and nothing to worry about. Of course I googled as soon as I got home and that did say can cause spotting too. I’m waiting for an ultrasound on my womb and to meet with the gynaecologist. I’ve suffered horrendous periods from the get go, have a bicornuate womb and it took me years to conceive so I’ve always known I’ve got a few issues in that department but always worrying not knowing :( 

    sending positivity to you both!! X

  • Hi Charlotte :) I a have been having the same issue for a couple months now. Im really stressed out. Did you ever find out what it was ? 

  • Hi Hayleigh

    I have been having the same issue for a couple months now and its worrying me

    30 y/o, smear test, blood test, hormone levels, and ultrasound all fine but my symptoms have been worrying me;

    All of a sudden since January; very dark clotty periods, red or dark blood discharge 4ish days before my period typically with going to the bathroom. 

    Did you ever find out what the cause was for your symptoms? 

    Im trying to get a referral to see a gynecologist.


  • Hi I just wondered how you were getting on? Did you get your results? I have similar problems and had a hysteroscopy, waiting for results atm! I hope you’re ok.