Hpv positive result also have hsv2

Im 31, no children and recently  had my results from my smear test, and i am HPV postive with normal cells. Didn't really know much about hpv other than it can course cervical cancer. Obviously ended up doing lots of google research probably not the best idea. And it suddenly dawned on me that i also have hsv 2 (herpes) i was diagnosed 6 years ago after an ex partner was unfaithful. I don't have many outbreaks so i had forgotten about it to be honest. Been with my current partner 4 years so not sure when i have picked hpv up.  I have read two articles that state that having hpv and hsv2 makes you 3 times more likely to develop invasive cervical cancer. I have spent the last few days crying all day as I can't stop thinking about it. I don't inow what to do or how true it is, if i should be worried :(

  • Yes I do as well I’ve had HPV with low grade cells for 4 years now. Even had a Leep in between and that didn’t work. The consultant said if I had it again this October 2025 he might corterize it 

  • Hello, how did you get on, did you ever clear it xx

  • Hi, no I’ve never cleared it, got another smear test in September 2025 and an appointment booked in Colposcopy October 2025. The consultant said if I still have it again in October which i probably will have, he is talking about cauterising the area. For some reason my body does not want to clear it. 

  • Oh i am sorry. I really hope this works for you x

  • Hello just wondering, did you do anything to help it clear? X

  • Just stumbled on this after I’ve just opened my cervical smear results , it’s came back hpv positive no abnormal cells. I’m coming up 50 ,Strange thing is the nurse explained to me they will also test for hpv so I asked what it was she went into detail so I asked have I been tested before she said yes at my last smear and it was negative . I now am positive , I am single and had a few intimate relationships over 10 yrs of divorce and never had any problems also contacted hsv 25 yrs ago I thought it was hsv2 but my notes say hsv1 . Again never been an issue in past relationships and never passed on to my knowledge. Have rare outbreaks (on buttocks ) but only since a change in hormones ( peri men) I take acyclovir medication as a suppressive and and vigilant with my hsv.. Like everyone this is so devastating news to receive on top of an already permanent virus . I was hoping to settle down and find my person again but this in feels like the last nail in coffins regarding a sex life ( which sex is rare for me ) i recently met someone and plucked up courage to inform of the hsv and he rejected me (first time in 25 yrs ) again it’s a blow . But like you I have 2 adult sons healthy young men one born prior to hsv and one few years after . What is the next step for us ladies ? I have to wait until feb 2026 to be retested which now seems a lifetime away  

  • Hi, I have HSV1 and HPV low grade changes. I caught HSV1 off an old boyfriend in 1987 who had a cold sore on his mouth. I get out breaks around my anus area now and again. I’ve never passed it on. I always make sure I never have sex when I have an outbreak and put Zovarix cream on it. Also I’ve had HPV for 4 years. Had a Leep which didn’t work. I’m 65 still  sexually active with my partner. It’s all a worry but I try to not let it affect me. 

  • Good evening thanks you for your message , I also caught it this way from my fiancé at the time in my 20’s being uneducated and naive I guess.
    I have always thought  it was hsv2 until recently I saw my medical records and it stated hsv1. I’ve jus t also read on my nhs app this hpv is high risk ? I think i need to speak to my gp as all the googling is just not making sense.. I’m so pleased your still living a healthy sexual relationship i hope to one day find a man who is understanding of all this .  Best wishes 

  • Have you ever been told yoir cervix dont look normal so refered to colposcopy?