Heavy bleeding after a smear test


I'm concerned and very worried regarding my recent smear test. I haven't had my results back yet but something happened after the last one that has got me very worried!

I had it done on Thursday and had some light spotting after which is normal for me, I'm 34 so had a smears before. Friday the spotting continued and was getting worse through out the day. Saturday and Sunday, bleeding was so heavy with clots of blood, and pelvic pain. Today the bleeding is calming down and so is the pain but I'm so worried.

Called my GP and asked to speak to a doctor but got the nurse practitioner called me. She was so unhelpful, wouldn't book me in to be seen and said it's normal to bleed afterwards. To me this is not normal and even on the NHS website it stated to see your doctor if you have heavy bleeding that's lasts for more than 3 days. 

I'm trying not to think it's cancer, but this to me isn't normal has anyone experienced this before? I'm just so angry and upset that the doctors aren't taking this seriously.

Thank you.

  • Hi All, 

    I found this chat today. I had my first smear test last Thursday 3rd Feb. I had my last period 2 weeks ago (17th Jan) i was actually suppose to get my smear on 17th Jan but i came on so had to cancel My partner and i have had sex since my smear. Since having then, I've noticed slightly spotting on Monday and Tuesday and now today its become heavy like a period and clotting.

    I do have the implant which is due to be taken out in June but I'm normally roughly 25 days every cycle and its worried me than its been two weeks and I'm having what looks and feels like another period. 

    I obviously haven't had my results yet but is this normal?? I'm slightly worried and my GP hasn't got an appointment until next Thursday.  

  • I've found this thread after searching. May I ask how you are now? 

  • I'm still bleeding.. for me it's become a full on period. Still confused and freaked out. 

  • Oh I'm sorry  What did the doctor say? Did they have any suggestions for you? I'm only on day 4 after my smear. For some reason this one has been horrible afterwards which is why I searched and found this conversation. I've passed a huge blood clot and sitting in horrible period pain 

  • So glad I have found this thread. 

    I am 35 with 2 kids (12 and 7) and last thursday was my first smear test since my mum died of cancer.

    (She had mouth, sinus, and spine cancer - horrendous)

    So I had extra anxiety as well and my nerves made the test difficult...

    (Are all smears done on a thursday from this thread at least it certainly seems like it)

    Anyway, my last period was 5th nov for 5 days as scheduled, (my periods are pretty regular) yesterday I had sex and afterwards noticed some brown "old" blood when I wiped and thought nothing more of it - then this morning I've had non-stop cramps and when I went to the toilet had fresh red blood! 

    My cycle is normally 28 days and today is day 25 so I know its not *that* far off but its still panicked me because of the pain more than anything. 

    The lady was really nice but didn't say she could see anything, just that we all probably have HPV so don't be alarmed if that comes back but because of my nerves it was a very difficult test and I wonder if the speculum knocked something..

    How long do the test results come back? 

    I've always assumed no news is good news but the wait is killing me! 


  • Hi SuperStartled,


    Think the lady was right as I tested positive for HPV. I've got a repeat test in a few months :) 


    I got my test results back in 10 days. If you have the NHS App with all your history,etc it's on there before the Dr's call you.


  • I got my results


    All clear and NO HPV! 


    My period just happened to come 3 days early... which at least means its over and done with ️


    Wishing good results for everyone else who visits this thread!

  • Hi Ladies

    I had my third smear done on Thursday and its now Tuesday night and I am still bleeding. GP and nurse don't really know what to do about it and are saying the smear brought period on early. But it was only 2 weeks between my last period ending and the smear. And I normally have a long cycle of 5 weeks. And the bleeding is not like my normal period. 

    Feeling unsupported as is any other part of my body had been bleeding with no explanation for 5 days it would be taken more seriously.

    Test came back negative which is great but I know my body and this is not normal. 

    Those who had this did things resolve itself? Were you given any explanation from GP/nurse?

    Thank you x

  • Hi, 

    Found this thread. I had a smear last Thursday and have been bleeding since. It's 2 weeks since my last period and have never had anything like this before.I'm 52 never bleed after a smear before. Really anxious, thinking of the worse case scenario.

    Any advice? Thanks xx

  • Sorry this happened to you ( unhelpful gp office) - I had mine on Thursday and as the nurse took the smear test she said that it started to bleed there and then - but said it’s probably down to taking HRT - I have never ever bled during a smear test before - I have now been bleeding for 4 days with this 4th day the worst - heavy bleeding with clots and cramps and what feels like ovary pain as well as lower middle - uterus - she did leave the speculum in following the test whilst she sorted putting the sample taken into the bottle or whatever it was and apologised how long that was - it was longer than ever before - and the sample taking hurt me. I am worried too. I hope that you are ok and get to see a dr asap