Heavy bleeding after a smear test


I'm concerned and very worried regarding my recent smear test. I haven't had my results back yet but something happened after the last one that has got me very worried!

I had it done on Thursday and had some light spotting after which is normal for me, I'm 34 so had a smears before. Friday the spotting continued and was getting worse through out the day. Saturday and Sunday, bleeding was so heavy with clots of blood, and pelvic pain. Today the bleeding is calming down and so is the pain but I'm so worried.

Called my GP and asked to speak to a doctor but got the nurse practitioner called me. She was so unhelpful, wouldn't book me in to be seen and said it's normal to bleed afterwards. To me this is not normal and even on the NHS website it stated to see your doctor if you have heavy bleeding that's lasts for more than 3 days. 

I'm trying not to think it's cancer, but this to me isn't normal has anyone experienced this before? I'm just so angry and upset that the doctors aren't taking this seriously.

Thank you.

  • Hello Ljp_,

    It's not uncommon to bleed after a smear test, and it's good that it seems to have calmed down. If you're still concerned about it, you should contact your doctor and say the bleeding is persisting. It's also important to put any worries of cancer out of your mind, as these only increase anxiety rather than making you feel better.

    Best wishes,

    Moderator Anastasia

  • Hi [@Ljp_]‍ im replying to your post as I had a very similar experience! I bled after my last smear at the end of March, sounds like the same as yours. So I'm just wondering how you are now? Unfortunately for me the bleeding has persisted and I'm still trying to find out the cause 

  • Hi [@Nicola86]‍ 

    My bleeding lasted about a week or just over. It was very heavy with clots and I was in pain. I'm feeling better now, my smear test back back normal, that took about 5 weeks for results. My doctors ended up sending me to have a pelvic ultrasound, which again came back normal. I also bled after the ultrasound which again worried me. My doctor thought that I may have Cervical ectropion, which could have been knocked and started bleeding after the smear and ultrasound. They said that because everything came back normal to just keep an eye on things and if anything happens again to contact them.

    I understand how you feel, it's very worrying. My bleeding started at the weekend and I ended up calling 111 because there was so much blood. They advised that my doctor sent me for a ultrasound, so I pushed it with my GP, who was very unhelpful at first.

    I hope this helps and you start to get back to normal soon xx

  • Thankyou for the reply yes Iv been bleeding on and off now for almost a month. I'm booked in for an ultrasound in May but I got told there was mild erosion on my cervix so I'm wanting a second opinion on that which I'm going to push for with my gp. I'm just so scared that they missed something on my smear coz I got my results really fast & I literally didn't feel a thing when they did it so that's also worrying, glad you're feeling a lot better xxx

  • Did they notice the erosion on the smear test examination? I think erosion of the cervix is the same as cervical ectropion, but I'm not 100%. I understand how you feel, I felt the same with my GP as they weren't going to send me for an ultrasound I had to push it. Was your smear test results normal? I honestly didn't feel a thing either with my smear test and they are normally a little uncomfortable for me because I have a tilted womb.

    I hope everything goes well with your ultrasound xx

  • The lady didn't mention seeing anything at my smear. I only found out about my erosion because I went to the gp for suspected uterus proplapse. Have u had any bleeding since u stopped? I'm fuming because all this only started when u had my smear xx

  • The bleeding has stopped since, only bleeding I've had is after the ultrasound and a normal period. I bet you are, it's really worrying and unsettling. I hope everything comes back normal for you xx

  • Thankyou, I'm actually thinking of going private for another smear test my anxiety is that bad about it. When u bled was it a proper bleed or was it light some days and heavy others? Iv literally had 2 days of not bleeding since 31st March. I just know something isn't right at all. Thanks for listening xxx

  • I understand you must be worried. It was heavy with clots, like gushing out for 3 days, constantly changing pads then it started to get lighter and lighter over the week and then stopped. Is yours heavy period bleeding all the time or spotting? No problem, I get where you are coming from the anxiety of it. Xxx

  • Mine varies, like over the weekend I was spotting Friday, then Saturday I bled more, yesterday was like a heavy period and this morning, now tonight I'm back to really light this is why I'm so anxious because I know for a fact that I won't stop bleeding as it's been going on for a month now. Iv started writing down what my blood is like. I'm seeing another doctor on Friday to look at my cervix again, and go from there I guess ‍♀️ I'm actually thinking of going private for another smear test. Costs a lot of money but there's no price on peace of mind xx