Heavy bleeding after a smear test


I'm concerned and very worried regarding my recent smear test. I haven't had my results back yet but something happened after the last one that has got me very worried!

I had it done on Thursday and had some light spotting after which is normal for me, I'm 34 so had a smears before. Friday the spotting continued and was getting worse through out the day. Saturday and Sunday, bleeding was so heavy with clots of blood, and pelvic pain. Today the bleeding is calming down and so is the pain but I'm so worried.

Called my GP and asked to speak to a doctor but got the nurse practitioner called me. She was so unhelpful, wouldn't book me in to be seen and said it's normal to bleed afterwards. To me this is not normal and even on the NHS website it stated to see your doctor if you have heavy bleeding that's lasts for more than 3 days. 

I'm trying not to think it's cancer, but this to me isn't normal has anyone experienced this before? I'm just so angry and upset that the doctors aren't taking this seriously.

Thank you.

  • Hi girls sorry to jump in. Found this thread through searching Google, as this exact thing is happening to me. I had a smear 12th May and im still bleeding. The gp has given me tablets to stop the bleeding so they can take a look, I've been on them for 4 days and its not stopped the bleeding at all. 

    Have either of u heard back? What was the outcome? Xx

  • Hey Iv got same problems I came across this chat in the hope for indication what it could be 

    I had smear 17 days ago and have been bleeding ever since starting spotting and now need a pad. Blood is bright and fresh cramps were on and off but very mild. 
    2 days ago on my way home from holiday on the plane I got the worst stomach cramps period pain type and I haven't been abale to stand up straight from the pain took 25mg codeine and Ibroprofen but the pain is still there and the bleeding. 
    went to Gp straight away they have prescribed 50mg of codeine, and tablets to stop the bleeding and referred for gyni clinic and a scan don't know how long any will take ... 


    it's worrying that all these meds I'm on to help with pain relief are still leaving me with pain and that I'm still bleeding of course.


    the consultant my GP called said not connecting the smear with the symptoms happening straight after which is really concerning they treating as just new condition that's happened as it happened as a result of the smear.


    had anyone here had any results or any information that could help ?

    might be worth mentioning Iv been on the birth control pill carazette for nearly two years and havnt not had a period in nearly two years when I started these tablets .... 

    im in so much agony just baffled how it can randomly just happen like this and of course concerned what it could be. Smear results came back fine ... 


    thanks girls 

  • Hi

    ive searched and found this chat.

    as I had my smear one week ago and been spotting daily - but one pad only a day (not heavy). I have some slight cramping

    So wanted to know how you all are and if i should do anything else or just wait 

  • Hey 

    same boat as me although I've not had a smear I had swabs to check for infection.

    since Friday I've had brown bleeding then red bleeding .. slight cramps but blood mostly when wipe day 4 now I'm worried as to why and waiting to see my GP again.


    so worried xxx

  • Hi, 

    Ive found this chat after a long worrying night. I had a smear on Thursday and it took 2 nurses to find my cervix once found they said it was covered in cells. It was a very painfully swab and I bleed a small amount straight away. Saturday I started bleeding like a very light period but it's still going. I have minor cramps also. I'm so scared it cancer I'm in full panic mode, 111 were called but they weren't much help.

  • Hi misskitty

    It is normal to have bleeding, especially if the test was difficult, and some ladies have more than others. You’ll need to wait for results to see what has been found, but don’t jump to a cancer diagnosis right away without knowing more. If the bleeding continues you may want to ring your gp to set your mind at rest, but the actual results will not be available at this point. Could it be that your period has started? x

  • Hi, no I'm mid cycle. I'm going to try and get into the GPs tomorrow to discuss just so scared

  • I know it’s easy for me to say, but try not to be too worried at this point if you can help it. Your gp won’t know your results yet, so will not know what the results could mean. x

  • Hey a similar issue with bleeding after my smear, never had this issue before. How did you get on? Has the bleeding stopped? xxx

  • Hi 

    I hadn't had a period for 9 months I'm 54 and was 52 when I gad my smear test snd like you light spotting then slowed down and then really heavy and clots but mine continued u till I went to docs and they gave me nirthisterone to slow the bleeding . I ended up having a lapaiscopy I think its called awake they sent a camera inside me and found a growth took a biopsy and was very painful they said i had cysts. I had to carry on taking the northisterone to stop it and still on it today and I'm frightened to have sex incase it starts it off again and I bleed heavy again 

    Regards kerry