Heavy bleeding after a smear test


I'm concerned and very worried regarding my recent smear test. I haven't had my results back yet but something happened after the last one that has got me very worried!

I had it done on Thursday and had some light spotting after which is normal for me, I'm 34 so had a smears before. Friday the spotting continued and was getting worse through out the day. Saturday and Sunday, bleeding was so heavy with clots of blood, and pelvic pain. Today the bleeding is calming down and so is the pain but I'm so worried.

Called my GP and asked to speak to a doctor but got the nurse practitioner called me. She was so unhelpful, wouldn't book me in to be seen and said it's normal to bleed afterwards. To me this is not normal and even on the NHS website it stated to see your doctor if you have heavy bleeding that's lasts for more than 3 days. 

I'm trying not to think it's cancer, but this to me isn't normal has anyone experienced this before? I'm just so angry and upset that the doctors aren't taking this seriously.

Thank you.

  • I was wondering whether there are any updates on any of your medical journeys starting with the post smear bleeding? I started to bleed as the nurse took the swab and then continued ( still bleeding) for seven days, heavy red with clots And lots of ovary and middle low abdomen pain. I am two years post menopause. 51. On HRT continuous. Just wanted to know if this is normal