Colonoscopy- so scared and anxious

I am due to have a colonoscopy in a couple of weeks I am so scared and so anxious I suffer with medical anxiety so keep thinking it's going to be bad news and terminal I am also scared stiff of the procedure

  • Hi Tay-tay. Welcome to the forum.

    Both my wife and I have had colonoscopies, and so have lots of our friends.  The procedure itself isn't too difficult to endure.  Even the pre-treatment to clean out the bowels wasn't too bad. 

    It's normal to be nervous and scared before a test, but the time to worry is after you've received the results, not before.  In fact, most colonoscopies don't find serious cancer at all. Some find pre-cancerous polyps which can be removed there and then.  The rest either find no cancer, or some other disease which explains the patient's symptoms.  In my case, it confirmed that I had diverticular disease, which is unpleasant but can be treated and controlled.

    I know it's easy for me to say, but try to relax, and in case you're tempted - don't use Google before the procedure.

  • Hi Taytay,

    It’s only natural that you’re anxious. These days people are referred for diagnostic tests even if their GP thinks there’s only a 5% chance of them having cancer. This results in the vast majority of tests ruling cancer out.

    I’ve had an awful lot of colonoscopies over the past 30 years as I have chronic ulcerative colitis. My first one was for suspected bowel cancer which, like all the subsequent ones, helped rule that out.

    The endoscopy itself is unpleasant but most people get through it without problems. The hospital will offer you sedation because the less tense you are the easier the probe can pass round the corners. Don’t mistake sedation with anaesthesia - it will chill you out, not knock you out or stop you feeling anything.

    I hope it goes well and that the news is godd.


    Good luck


  • Thank you for your response I am working hard at trying not to worry it is difficult when you suffer medical anxiety so reading people's responses is a great help thank you  

  • Hello All,


    I wanted to put my expeirence of a colonoscopy out there for all to see.


    I was petrified leading Upto the colonoscopy it's self from a week before my anxiety was off the scale however I got through it knowing it's for the better.


    my colonoscopy appointment was for today January the 31st

    friday the 28th I had my last normal meal which was fish cake and chips with curry sauce.

    sautrday the 29th and getting more anxious by the day I had  plain toast for breakfast and for dinner I had paste and quorn chicken. then on the nighttime I had chicken soup with crust bread plain.

    I woke up on Sunday even more worried and scared about doomsday. I had a slice of toast for my breakfast and for dinner I has chicken and rice. This was my last meal before the dreaded colonoscopy. The evening came quick and I was getting more anxious I started the prep at around 7 o clock and downed the first dose of the moviprep. The taste wasn't nice however it was made easier by the sports drink I had after it and the mint sweets I had to suck on. I had downed the second dose and my stomach started hurting I Carried on with the third and four dose which were even worse as I had acid from the lemon flavoured mevi prep. A couple of hours later and I'd been to the toilet around 10-15 times which felt like you was weeing our your bum. I put a hot water bottle on my stomach to ease the pain and fell asleep around 12 o clock I then woke up at 4 in the morning with stomach pains and a anxious mind.  I started the second dose of prep at around 6 o clock and drank four glasses of 250ml moviprep quickly within 1 hour. I then began to go to the toilet another 4-6 times. It was around 8 o clock and I was now very scared and worried about the doomsday to come (which is how it felt in my mind) 

    I stayed in bed and lounged about on the sofa until about 12:30 then I was taken to Doncaster hospital by my girlfriend , she had to leave me at the endoscopy ward I was now very anxious and had thoughts about running away from the reception. After around 10 minutes I was called through and now at this point acting like a nutcase scared worried sick. The nurse spoke to me and tried calming me down and reassuring me.  I went through the questionnaire with her and then the doctor came in and told me I was going to be fine and everything under control. I was very anxious and didn't believe this for a second. Then I put the gown and modality pants on. The second nurse came in and put a canula into my hand and this point I was worried sick. Then the third nurse came in and told me to walk with her to the colonoscopy room. I got on the bed lie on my side and they put sedation in straight away and before I knew anything was happening they were in there. I used the gas and air at times just to put my mind of things and give me something to do. There was bits of pain which didn't last long and they weren't overly painful. It was a very weird experience but I felt very calm with the sedation. It seemed over within minutes and I was wheeled into the recovery room. I had a biscuit and some water then I was able to leave once my girlfriend was there to drive me home.

    I wanted to write this to help other people going through this experience. I was very anxious and worried about this procedure. I thought it was a death wish. However it wasn't it was my mind making the whole thing worse. The procedure is nowhere near as bad I thought. Get it done it could literally safe your life. My results came back normal and I'm a highly anxious (over health) 24 year old male. 

  • They will give you some drugs to sedate you, you will be awake but sort of out of it, I dont really remember mine, it was just a blur afterwards, I just remember the clearing of the bowels before, I had to drink some sachets and wow they clear you out, nothing awful you just keep having to go to the loo.  It's hard not to be anxious but I'm sure it won't be as bad as your probably thinking x 

  • Hi 

    I liked your account of events, especially as the timing of your procedure coincides with mine. Thanks for posting. I'm glad you outcome was good. - unfortunately it looks like mine will not be so good as I have worrying symptoms.and test results.


  • I am having tomorrow I have had severe constipation and bloated stomach tired all the time 4 stone overweight blood in stool stabbing pains under right ribs

  • Did not bother with injections took that kPlory thing out me arm it bleeds and hurts when I'm nurses do it not all   of them chatting to doctorAs ii watched it on tv to gas and air having loads after it was done just to chill if yu got good doctor you will be fine probablem is I have had Todo two enima a week for8 months myself and I get so much bad luck they will probably find something else what hurt was my children didn't ring or come we not fell out iove them to it's ga gave them 36year pension and home I homeless butmy elderly parents risk rd menoi live in luxury