Hi there, happy new year!
im struggling to remain positive for 2021 as I have some health worries, and I am feeling that I am being fobbed off by my GP.
i just want to be taken seriously so it can be fixed asap!
i have had a lump in the collarbone area of my neck / shoulder for a while now.
its measuring around 4-5 cm. doctors aren't worried and I have had an ultrasound on to be told the nodes look normal and the lump is a cluster of nodes.
i feel like I have a fullness in that area of my neck / shoulder and it can cause a dull ache in my armpit area too.
i feel in my heart of hearts that something is wrong. Google is not my friend and each time it comes up woth lymphoma!
I don't have any other symptoms but the lump. No night sweats or weight loss etc.
i have a 2nd scan on the 6th January to be sure. As I went back to the gp worried. I had a full blood count and all was normal.
The doctor doesn't seem worried but something is happening and I'm really not sure what to do.
im almost at a stage where I would be disappointed it isn't lymphoma, as at least if it was I can start treatment for it and see if it improves or better goes away! I know that sounds awful but at least it is an answer to this issue.
has anybody else experienced a cluster of nodes and it caused aches etc and pain in that area but they've not been cancerous?
What was the outcome? Is it just a case of lymph nodes needing to be drained?!
many thanks!!!!