Day one - found lump, referred to breast clinic

This morning has been a roller coaster. Couple of days ago I found a lump.... was it real  ? Maybe not...maybe it wont be there tomorrow ( monday) crack on..keep your mind occupied..dont think about it. Monday...still there.... and now looking in the mirror theres a crease in the skin...ish... This isnt going to go away is it...  Tuesday...... right Stop being a might not be the big C.... but do you honestly think a) it's going to go away on it's own? b) you can carry on knowing it's there? ...

Wednesday: 9am emailed the surgery on their askmygp app.

Typed in " I've found a lump in my breast " ..cue tears...

Couple of hours pass while I try and concentrate on nothing much.

Call from clinician at the surgery..lots of questions about where it is, how big it is, does it move, is it attached, any redness, any discharge. 

Referred to breast clinic. Usually two weeks but because of COVID...they are a bit behind ..could be 3 weeks.... . Be prepared they will probably do an ultra sound scan and a biopsy there and then. 

Im not concerned about what they do ...liar... but the

.sooner the better. I just need to know what this is!! And hope it isnt what I think it is. No family history of BC..... everything crossed.

  • Hello lovely 


    sorry to hear about all your ongoing "stuff" bloody awful. I've been dealing with "stuff" too. Husbands annual check up doe his bladder cancer showed cancerous cells have returned so he has a small procedure last week My mastectomy booked for tomorrow and  until I'm actually waiting in the operating theatre I won't breath out. I'm not terrified of the op aa

    much as I am terrified of the follow up appointment telling me what was found and what my plan is and dare I say what my life expectancy is ..... when I feel like the strong warrior I occasionally am I will report back. Meanwhile love love love to all of you fighting this bloody thing x x x x

  • Hiya, 


    Argh so, all good, I just have a fibroadenoma, which is a benign tumour. But the Comms from my breast clinic hasn't been great, I absolutely cannot fault them on anything else. 
    At the appointment I was told because of covid if I didn't need treatment I would be given results over the phone but if I needed treatment I would be called back in to clinic to discuss. Also as I said in my first post, they wrote on my forms that a nurse would call on Thursday. 
    I get to Wednesday and get a letter in the post saying an appointment has been made to discuss results, so I'm beside myself thinking that it's the worst. 
    Thursday comes around and I wasn't able to do anything all day, don't even think I had a drink. Gets to 16:30 and I still haven't had a call from the nurse as they said they would. So I call reception and the receptionist gave me my results. When I asked about the appointment that had been made she said they do that as a 'safety net' in case they don't get around to phoning. So I was happy with the result but less than impressed with the Comms! 

    hopefully you get a similar result!! Good luck and let us know how you get on xx

  • hi girls. hows everyone feeling? any news on your treatments yet? PALS got back to me today. The breast clinic had emailed them saying i had been told in a phone consultation in April that they felt there wasnt anything suspicious going on.... but because it was obviously distressing me they were going to be booking me in for the next available ultrasound.

    How they can diagnose someone im a telephone consultation i dont know.... bit ridiculous really

  • Hi gingergirl

    Sorry ...been right off colour. How are you? How did your op go.

    Looks like it's been quiet on here. I've not felt like talking to anyone.



    The dodgy toe was/is a *** chilblain!! The pain has been excruciating. But toe is now a lovely shade of pink, and a lot less painful.

    This Wednesday I have my first appt at the diabetic clinic at the hospital. Apparently I'm seeing a podiatrist, diabetic specialist and a vein specialist....they are certainly pulling out all the stops. But the medication..... I'm up x 3 for a wee during the night. Which is wiping me out.  It says no one has told me...its best to eat little and often. Well I'm eating little as after breakfast I feel full until well after lunch. Main meal Im struggling with a childs size portion.... feel nauseous... been on the run to the loo tonight. Feel bloated... This cant be right can it? I feel worse than I did before I found the lump!! I know meds take a while to settle down...but this is getting beyond a joke now.  Not heard from anyone at the breast clinic since Nov no idea when anything's happening on that front. No info on what I can and cant eat ......shouldnt eat. So meal planning is " Google....can a diabetic eat  ************* ? 

    Had a complete melt today I have taken my first anti depressant...... had to give in. Couldnt deal with all this. Practice nurse said I've gone from a no tablet lady to a minor branch of boots the chemist.

    Will I be sorted before Christmas? Somethings got to change that's for sure. Cant even think about cards or pressies or the flipping turkey. 


    Check back in ladies


    #allinittogether xxxx

  • Hello lovely I've been thinking about you. Sorry to hear about all your **** and you haven't even tackled the bloody cancer yet. I had my mascetomy last Wednesday and hone Thursday. I was dreading cancellation. Surprisingly straight forward but some minor hic ups when I got back. Full drain bag I had to empty with telephone instructions, then it was leaking at site of inscision, constipation like no other but .  .  Feeling surprisingly good. Results this Friday and then the treatment plan. 6 weeks ago I was completely unaware of what lay ahead now I'm on the massive roller coaster cancer express. 
    Husband had recall after his bladder cancer annual check up and had a small procedure - honestly you couldn't make it up. 

    huge love everyone and  sending superb strength xxx

  • Hi


    I am also waiting on results.

    I have been have drenching night sweats and swollen lymph nodes in neck groin and underarms so originally went under haematology.. had a lymph node biopsy from groin which showed no sign of cancer but reactive changes and ct scan showed earned spleen.. unsure why....


    Then I found a lump in my left breast.. have had one in my right breast investigated before around 6 years ago and told it was a blocked milk duct   refereed to breast clinic.. waited 2 week for appointment then had ultrasound that day found lump in both right and left breast so biopsy taken from both sides   also ultrasound showed chunky lymph nodes under arms but they didn't take a sample because of the groin one already being done.. 


    Consultant said on the day thought they were fibroadenoma but to wait for biopsy to confirm....


    That was 2 week ago and I was meant to be having an appt today for my results this aft, I got a phone call from breast care nurse today to say that not all results were available yet from the biopsys so they have delayed my appointment by another week.....


    I wasn't worried when consultant said fibroadenoma but now they are delaying me to await extra tests I am worrying... 



  • Hi lovely ladies, thought I'd check in a see how your all doing. Been thinking about you all. Sending love and mahoosive hugs xxxxx

  • Hello, so sweet of u to ask, I'm not sure about everyone else but I have 4 tumours all measure a combined size of 8/10 cm and most of lymph nodes.


    so I now start hormone and target therapy Monday for 6 months then I have to have mastectomy followed by radiotherapy and chemo. 

    long road ahead but just wanna get it all over and done with. 

    how are u. U all ready for Xmas. Cx

  • Hi, Ive been that person fretting and eventually taking action. and now, just over a year on, my surgery is finished, I've got bras n scars to prove it, I ended up with a mastectomy and reconstruction and a new name for the misshapen mess of my chest, its actually a rare syndrome, woopy doo, but the good news is now that the boob they removed got sent to America for testing, and it gave a recurrence risk score which meant I dodged having chemo, and have kept my hair during the lockdown, and am now on an endocrine blockade.. I have gone back to my job part-time and am now stressing about working remotely, as there's nobody to ask how to do all the things that changed in the year I was off. It's taking longer due to covid cos I have another ailment that put me in the shielding group. but for now, the good news is twofold for you.  You found it. YOU did something rather than sit and fret, and now you face the first phase of what happens next, I guess you may expect a mammogram and physical exam. If it shows things they advise to biopsy, that can perhaps be done under local anaesthetic on the day, that's what I got, and although it's not pleasant, with support of a kindly nurse or HCA you can do this. At least if its something that requires treatment, you are then on a list and will get priority care.  I'm not medically trained, but I'm a survivor, I've been the full circuit, having an implant due to being a deformed bullied teenager with a load of missing muscle and a weird bone structure, then having it all taken and replaced by yet another implant. It's brilliant that support services are so much better organised now, so accessible and the team on here are brilliant.  I'm crossing fingers that you get helpful advice and support and that things work out well for you. thinking of you, and wishing you all the luck and support you can get xx


  • Hi Traciej!!

    Feel like I haven't been on here for ages-like Whatnext64 -I haven't been feeling like talking lately. Had my op last Thursday-a lumpectomy and they injected me with an isotope and blue dye and removed the sentinel lymph node to put under a microscope! Am recovering at home, getting plenty of rest, hate changing the dressings! Go back on 30th Dec for results and a plan for radiotherapy sessions! Am doing the exercises they gave me to avoid a frozen shoulder!

    Hope you're all okay! Much love to you all-so sorry about everything you're going through started this whole thread-seems so unfair your initial issue with your breast hasn't been dealt with yet!

    Take care all xx